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Doritos? Just When You Think Kamala and Tim Walz CAN'T Get MORE Cringe They Post Staged 'Teamwork' Video


Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have a 'normal' problem.

In other words they come across as fake, fake, and more fake.

And anything but normal.

We can see the Harris/Walz team sitting around now, with their hairy legs, purple hair and stolen luggage piled behind their seats trying to come up with ways to make Kamala and Tim more normal, likable and REAL. It probably went something like this:


PR Doofus 1: What do people in flyover country eat? OH, and by the way, Sparkles misgendered me earlier today. I am just speaking my truth ...

PR Doofus 2: Sparkles, you owe Tartar Sauce an apology.

PR Doofus 3: Guys ...

PR Doofus 1: DID YOU SAY GUYS?! HOW DARE YOU SAY GUYS?! My pronouns are lamp/shade!

PR Doofus 2: YAH!!! ARGLE BARGLE RAR (sobs dramatically into overpriced coffee)

PR DOOFUS 3: People ... we need to make Kamala normal. What's normal?

PR Doofus 4: As a cis, white, straight, male I don't feel that I should tell a woman how to be normal.

PR Doofus 3: *sigh*

Maybe like that?

We're just guessing. ANYWAY, whoever thought getting Doritos at a gas station would make Kamala or Tim more 'normal' was legit stupid considering neither of them have obviously been in a gas station themselves for a long time, let alone picked out their own snacks.

This is ... bad. SO BAD.


Oh, it gets worse.



Because everything they do is fake.


Thanks for reminding us how damn expensive everything is under your current administration, Kamala.



Think about what they have to work with.

Don't be TOO hard on them.




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