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BAM! Yashar Ali Fact-Checks TF Out of Kamala HQ for Blatant Lie About Trump and Lefties Just Can't DEEEAL


The amount of misinformation coming out from the Kamala Harris campaign tells us they are actually more panicked than we even realized. It has appeared they are more than confident over the past couple of weeks as the media really got behind Kamala and started changing her from an unpopular cackling harpy to this beacon of JOY AND HOPE but appearances can be deceiving.


Why else would the Kamala HQ account deliberately lie about Trump using Epstein's plane? Winning campaigns don't do this.

Yashar Ali was good enough to call them out for their misinformation. He even went so far as to point out how much they love to spread misinformation.

This is pretty damn good.

Yashar's post continues:

The owner of the jet bought it from Epstein when he was still alive in a commercial transaction. The issue here is just another example of Trump world not carefully vetting things…not what this account describes below.

Well well well, whadd'ya know?

And fair enough, knowing what we know about the media and Kamala it's important for Trump's team to vet all things and give them NOTHING to manipulate, take out of context, or lie about.


Same, and that would be correct.

Check out the mouth-breathers who are desperate to tie Trump to Epstein ...

It's no longer Epstein's plane.

This ain't rocket science, Jethro.

Because it's not Epstein's plane?

The entire tweet is misinformation.

These people.

Ironically if it DIDN'T none of them would be on his post whining at him about it.

We're sure he's just crushed that this person doesn't believe him.


Oh wait, no.



LOOK On Dan Goldman's Face As Bret Baier Nukes Him for Saying Trump Won't Debate Kamala PRICELESS (Watch)

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Losing It! Harris Campaign's UNHINGED Email on Elon Musk/Trump X Interview Sounds DELICIOUSLY Panicked

Mollie Hemingway DROPS Media Nob Asking If Kamala's Super AWESOME Short Campaign Should Be a New Model


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