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Adam Kinzinger's Wife Makes Things WORSE Shaming MAGA Because Her Hubby Wrote a Check His Butt Can't Cash


As Twitchy readers know, Adam Kinzinger went after Lil Pump for saying he would leave the country if Kamala Harris wins in November. Now, you'd think this sort of video wouldn't trigger anyone considering we're always seeing one celebrity or another saying if THIS candidate wins he/she/it/they are leaving the country but for whatever reason, Kinzinger thought it was smart to go after him.


And it turned out NOT to be smart, like at all.

Now, we're still not 100% convinced the 'interesting' pictures Lil Pump shared are actually Kinzinger but they were ... wow. It was also enough to get Sofia Kinzinger's attention - yeah, his wife. She took it upon herself to shame ALL of MAGA for what one person did while turning replies off to her naggy thread.

That she thought this was helpful at all says a lot.



Sorry, but we're just really over the shaming, lecturing, and finger-wagging, ESPECIALLY when her husband is a huge troll.


Blah blah blah blah.

She might want to consider lecturing her husband instead who continues to pick at and troll people. Lil Pump wouldn't have gone after Adam if he hadn't been a smug prick to him about his Kamala Harris post.


Lil Pump finished it this time.

As you can likely imagine, Twitter/X was less than impressed with her snotty thread:



Yeah we noticed that as well.

She never denied it.




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