Democrats can't quite figure out what to do with JD Vance. They've gone from making up stories about couches to claiming he didn't really serve and all to somehow make Tim Walz look like less of a douchebag, and still, none of it really sticks. We suppose it's difficult to take someone like Vance who actually did serve his country and went to Iraq apart, especially when all you really have to offer is a cowardly hosebag who lied about deserting his people.
Adam Kinzinger gave it a whirl though and yes, it went as badly as you'd expect. It all started here:
You know what really bothers me about Tim Walz?
— JD Vance (@JDVance) August 7, 2024
When the US Marine Corps asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country, I did it.
When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, he dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him. I think that's shameful.
Kinzinger jumped in to step on his ... other foot.
Ok. JD served honorably, but he wasn’t kicking down doors. He was in public affairs. Which again, is fine and honorable.
— Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 (@AdamKinzinger) August 7, 2024
Tim, after he was eligible for retirement, retired. People do that.
If it was a real problem he would have been “stop lossed” and prevented from…
His post continues:
Tim, after he was eligible for retirement, retired. People do that. If it was a real problem he would have been “stop lossed” and prevented from retiring.
What sort of person goes to bat for a deserter? Bad form, Adam.
Joey Jones went straight beast mode:
I sat behind a 50 cal machine gun in Iraq on roads littered with IEDs. I walked around Afghanistan taking IEDs apart by hand.
— Joey Jones (@Johnny_Joey) August 7, 2024
In iraq and Afghanistan even pencil pushers were vulnerable to rockets and mortars landing on their heads (see Al Asad this week). A chow hall at that…
His post continues:
A chow hall at that very same base was hit in 2007 just before I got there.
I lost more than one buddy to friendly fire in Afghanistan from foreign nationals on a secured base.
Everyone on a base in Iraq or Afghanistan got combat pay because they were literally surrounded by a capable enemy.
Adam is a bona fide sh*t bird for even posting this.
And boom.
Absolutely. No comparison to 1. serving in Italy, and 2. quitting.
— Laura Kaye (@NonsenseEnd) August 8, 2024
Thank you Joey, someone had to explain it to him.. and thank you for your continued service🇺🇸
— Goldenrod (@hikeharwood) August 7, 2024
One of the things I like about you is that you're a real dude. Would have been proud to have you as one of my guys. 🇺🇸🇺🇸
— William Young 1776 (@CaliCard1) August 7, 2024
Adam, on the other hand, it the kind of guy who thinks pandering to people who hate him for political gain is a good idea.
I was public affairs in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was shot at plenty and blown a couple times. Thankfully unscathed. Unfortunately, I sent two public affairs Marines home with life-altering wounds. @AdamKinzinger might want to think again about trying to war-shame Marines.
— Mark Oliva (@MarkOlivaTweets) August 7, 2024
This. ^
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