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She MAD! AOC Has the Meltdown-iest of ALL Meltdowns Over SCOTUS Immunity Ruling, Threatens Impeachment

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

As our lovely, amazing, brilliant, deep-thinking readers know, the Left has not dealt well with today's SCOTUS ruling on immunity. They have, in fact, quite honestly lost their s**t with various threats of violence toward Trump and of course, the GOP and GOP voters. Keep in mind these are the same people who claimed the Right is filled with violent extremists.


Hey, nobody ever accused any of them of being the sharpest tool in the shed.

Case in point, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

She is really pissed. 

She is also really dumb, so her post accidentally comes across as really hilarious. Seems Sandy is going to file articles of impeachment against SCOTUS members after she gets back from vacation.

No really.


She's so SKEERY. We're sure Clarence Thomas is terrified of what some whiny Socialist Democrat might do to him for adhering to the Constitution.

When do we file articles of impeachment against her?

She's not. At all.

Yes. Yes she is.


Constitution? Psh. She don't need so stinkin' Constitution.

Fair point.

Thoughts sure, but not deep ones.



All the OOF! Jill Biden's Vogue Cover Gets Much Deserved MEME Treatment and Here Are Some of the BEST

REEE *Breathe* EEE! Our CNN Pals Are Having a Totally NORMAL One After Immunity Ruling ... Or NOT (Watch)

Keith Olbermann, Rob Reiner, Eric Holder, OH MY! Here Are the Biggest FREAK-Outs Over Trump Immunity Case

LOL, It's REAL! Check Out GLORIOUS Glimpse Into LA Debate Watch Party, Especially the Rob Reiner MELTDOWN

Asking for Refunds?! ROFL! Biden Donors Freak TF OUT on Campaign Manager After Biden Debate Debacle


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