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REEEE! Snopes DEBUNKS Biden's LIE About Trump Calling Neo-Nazis Very Fine People and Lefties Can't DEEEAL

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Snopes is finally fact-checking Biden's blatant, obnoxious lie about why he ran for president, and that's the lie about Trump calling neo-Nazis very fine people. This lie has been debunked so many times we're honestly shocked anyone would use it, let alone campaign on it BUT nobody ever accused Team Biden or the mouth-breathers who voted for him of being all that bright.


Like Kat Abu, for example. If Kat seems familiar it's likely because she used to work at Media Matters and was 'let go'. 

Kat is none-too-happy about Snopes fact-checking Biden which makes this even funner.


Wook, Media Matters sure can pick 'em.

Or rather, COULD pick 'em.


Lots and lots of, 'HOW DARE YOU' vibes out there ... yup.

They're so upset.


Or, people really hate it when other people lie so grossly, especially when the lie has been debunked over and over and over again.


Yes. It's all a plot!


Snopes is totally trying to help Trump win. Totally.

These people.

Then again, plenty of other people just pointed and laughed.


So close!

And fin.




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