Biden Campaign Co-Chair Diagnoses Voters Who Think the Economy Was Better Under Trump...
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CNN Hosts Left Speechless After Van Jones Says What They Don't Let You...
Sen. Mike Lee's Thread Recounts 2020 Classified Briefing When Intel 'Flat-Out Lied to...
Guy Who Wrecked the Economy Says Trump Doesn't Understand 'Trickle Down Economics' Doesn't...
Charlamagne tha God: This Debate Is NOT Going to Be Good for Biden
The Big Dummies Behind the Biden Campaign Account Release Trump Attack Ad and...
BREAKING: The Supreme Court Rules on Social Media Censorship Imposed by the Biden...
Media Quickly Joins All Hands on Deck Effort to Explain How Trump Would...
Mayorkas Says There's No Evidence People ISIS-Affiliated Group Smuggled Into the US Intend...
WOOF! Gretchen Whitmer Tweets a Dog-Themed Campaign Ad and the Cringe Is Fatal
Massachusetts Governor Sends Officials to the Border to Let Immigrants Know 'Our Shelters...
Prosecutor Trying to Jail Texas Children's Whistleblower Hadn't Reviewed the Evidence
Nickelodeon Employs Drag Queen to Help Children Celebrate Pride Month
AOC FAIL! Squad Favorite Goes Down BIG TIME in NYC Dem Primary

Riley Gaines Goes Straight-Up FAFO Firing Back at NBC News Who Shamed Her for 'Misgendering' Lia Thomas

Lia Thomas is a man.

Doesn't matter what he calls himself or how much the lame-AF mainstream media carries water for him, he is a man. A dude. He is not a woman and never will be so stop MISGENDERING him and calling him a woman, NBC.


Ironic, ain't it?

NBC shaming a woman for being accurate in calling Thomas a man. Guess how that went over?

BOOM goes the freakin' dynamite.

Over and over again.

A man wrote it. Gosh, shocking.

Let us get this straight, a man wrote a piece shaming a woman for calling a man a man.

Patriarchy much, Matt? Wow.

Right? Because he is a HE.


Not XX.

Not now, not ever.

We do as well, PolitiBears.


Ain't it though?



VICTIMOLOGY: Fitness Guru Jillian Michaels Goes OFF on Woke Cali. Explaining Why She's FLEEING (Watch)

Multimillionaire Kamala Harris Says She Chose the Life of a Public Servant AND OMG We Got Nothin' (Watch)

Corey DeAngelis OWNS Greedy Gen-Z Influencer Trying to Dunk on Him Over School Choice With Her Own Tweet

Where TF Is He GOING?! WATCH the Looks on World Leader's Faces as Biden Wanders Off ... Again (Video)

Yeah ... That's a LOT but Something is DEFINITELY Missing: Part of Biden's 'Drug Cocktail' Leaked 


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