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WTAF is THIS?! Eric Swalwell Makes Bizarre, Bigoted Gay Joke About Jesus That Even Creeps Lefties Out

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

Eric Swalwell can dish it out but he can't take it.

For example, Vince Langman wished Swalwell a Happy Pride Month. Now, someone who didn't see this as an insult would likely just ignore it ... so clearly, Swalwell did see this as an insult because he claimed it didn't bug him.


When it did.

This person responded:

And this is where Eric just goes off the rails ...

What? Is he implying God and Joseph were homosexuals?


This is the sort of dumb, horrible, and terrible that will piss even your supporters on the Left off. This is not just making a dig at Christianity, this is blaspheme of the worst and ugliest sort.

Guys, there are so many pissed off responses to his post we don't even really know where to start. Lefties, Righties, Swalwell done ticked off Twitter and why? Because someone wished him a Happy Pride Month.

He's bad even for California, just sayin'.


Unfortunately, a lot of politicians are able to do it.

Is he, though?

Indeed it is.

Yeah, man.



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