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What Judge Merchan Told Parties About 'Not Going Into the Law' Before Trump Jury Entered Seems Shady AF

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

As usual, when it comes to this legal mumbo jumbo we fully admit we are hardly experts. Heck, we spend most of our time making fun of dullards like Eric Swalwell and AOC. But when we see someone like Jonathan Turley voice concern about the behavior of Trump's judge we take that seriously because unlike us, Turley DOES know what he's talking about.


And this seems shady AF to us.

Take a look:

... proven a minimalist judge giving the defendant the bare minimum of protections at every turn.

Almost as if the judge himself is hoping for a conviction.


So any effort to actually win the election could be seen as fraud?

This is nuts.

Hey, if they want to go that route, than every single politician should be sitting in that courtroom today.

Mistrial anyone?

That's exactly what this looks like.


This trial will go down as a template for what Democrats are willing to do to win an election.

Just like the lockdowns.

Oops, we probably shouldn't have said that part out loud ... our bad.



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