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EPIC Thread Tells Hilarious Story of Princeton Protesters Being the Saddest and Funniest of Them All

Fuzzy Chimp

Sounds like out of all the privileged, spoiled, elitist brats protesting for Hamas across the country, Princeton has had the worst go of it. And when you see their woes laid out like this in one epic and hilarious thread?


Grab the corn.

Trust us.

Here we go:

So not an original thinker in the group.

Color us shocked.





Womp womp womp.



Awww yes, the infamous hunger strike.

No tents?! The horror.

Legit LOL about the Blair Witch Project clips dig.

How dare Princeton not care about them starving themselves for a bunch of terrorists!

A whole 24 hours.



It's not really a hunger strike when you do it in shifts. That's called having meals for the day ... 

They. Got. NOTHING!

But no one came.

They all got hungry.


Sorry, Hamas.





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If Biden's White House Will BLATANTLY Lie About This, They'll Lie About ANYTHING

Jewish Dem DESTROYS Cori Bush and Her New Ad, Points Out It's DEMS Who Want Her Gone, Not 'Billionaires'

WATCH Pro-Hamas Protesting '3rd-World Feminism' Prof Lose Her Freaking MARBLES After Being Arrested

She Makes US Sick! 'Dried Husk of a Woman' DRAGGED for Doxxing Harrison Butker's MOTHER (No, Really!)


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