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NBC Goes After DeSantis For Picking on Joe Biden's 'Child' and OMG-LOL the Replies are Comedy GOLD


We're not entirely sure why NBC insists on making Hunter Biden out to be some poor 'child' that Republicans keep picking on but the guy is a middle-aged, drug-addicted, degenerate who hasn't been a child in many decades. Sure, he may have the mental capacity of a child BUT that doesn't make him a child.



C'mon, this is dumb. Someone close to NBC who they trust should tell them how damn dumb this really is.

From NBC:

But out on the campaign trail, the governor does not shy from making a punchline out of Hunter Biden, 53, joking about his history of addiction and embarrassing details of his personal life that have surfaced publicly.

While Hunter Biden is an adult, so is Haley’s daughter — albeit a few decades younger than the president's son. Both, however, are politicians’ children who are not in elected office.

We got nothin'.

And here we go:


And they're not even funny clowns.

Won't someone please just think of the 50-year-olds?!


Did it though?

Did it really?





John Fetterman Basically Gives the Finger to Hamas Supporters and Terrorist Apologists Can't DEAL (Watch)

Nothing to See Here, Just Proof at Least 1 of the AP Photojournalists With Hamas is a RABID Anti-Semite

Dude. NO: Chris Hayes Learns the Hard Way That Defending Bad Journalists Doing Bad Things is a BAD Idea

NBC Shaming Republicans for 'Fragmenting' Big Tech/Government Censorship Alliance Does NOT Go Well


Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ALSO, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.

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