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BOOM! Brit Hume shares tweet SCHOOLING gun-grabbers on how many DEMOCRATS have actually blocked assault weapons bans

Sorry, but all we see when we read these tweets is ARGLE BARGLE RAR.

So much emotion, so many FEELERS … so few brain cells.


The world the GOP made.


That doesn’t sound right.

Not a single one of these blue-checks has bothered to look at what laws are already on the books, what happened with the Uvalde police department, or ask themselves WHY Democrats didn’t do something about guns when they had a super-majority in 2010.

Oh, it gets ‘better’.

Brit Hume retweets the BEST stuff.

SIXTEEN DEMOCRATS voted against their precious assault weapons ban in 2013, right after Sandy Hook. WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN, YOU GUYS?!

Gosh, we’re not seeing a lot of coverage on that.

It happened in 2004 as well:


Will you look at that?

Reid voted against the ban.

Democrats made Reid their leader.

Reid never held a vote to ban guns in the years they had a majority in the Senate.


Fair enough.

Even if dolts like Dean Obeidallah claim owning a gun is not a constitutional right.


Or, you know, they actually do understand it’s a constitutional right and if they tried to ban them the law would just end up in front of SCOTUS and overturned anyway.

Just spitballin’.




OOF: Blue-check writer DRAGGED (and then dragged even more) for trying to make ‘murder’ a constitutional right in dunk on gun owners

‘We already WON’: Tim Pool just absolutely BURIES Cenk Uygur in seriously heated back and forth over guns and gun control

OMG-LOL, just delete it! Lefty rag Raw Story quietly issues YUUUGE correction after claiming Trump ‘failed to fill arena’ at WY rally

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