It must be nice for Democrats to have a publication like USA Today write a hit-job on the woman making allegations against their likely presidential candidate. Surely USA Today would do their due diligence in covering Tara Reade and her story … right?
Or maybe they glazed over some parts that didn’t fuel skepticism over Tara’s allegations:
A few points regarding this popular piece on Tara Reade's claims against Biden that I think glaze over some info
— Emily Larsen (@emilyelarsen) April 30, 2020
Probably no coincidence that the guy who wrote the anti-Tara piece is a proud resister, at least according to his bio.
Just sayin’.
Re: "It's odd" she doesn't have her complaint & NYT couldn't find it
In Reade's telling, she filled out a piece of paper, gave it to a Senate office, and never heard anything back. As @SaysSimonson
and I mention here, this was b4 record-keeping reforms.— Emily Larsen (@emilyelarsen) April 30, 2020
So they cast doubt on her actual complaint without giving all of the context.
Re: the point that The Union said she was "pushed out" while NYT says she fired, so the author says that's a "lie"
This just seems like a lot hanging on the phrasing of the Union report here. Also, the Union report said she felt pushed out! & NYT never uses the word "fired"
— Emily Larsen (@emilyelarsen) April 30, 2020
That there is what we call drawing a convenient conclusion.
Also, the NYT found two interns who confirmed Reade's claim that she was abruptly removed from supervising interns
— Emily Larsen (@emilyelarsen) April 30, 2020
Well well well.
Any other critiques would veer into opinion, but these were two big points that I read and thought "but wait, this is leaving something out"
— Emily Larsen (@emilyelarsen) April 30, 2020
We’re going to see a lot of ‘this is leaving something out’ as the media try to spin Tara’s allegations as political fodder and trolling the #MeToo movement.
Also think it's relevant for readers to know that the author has said "Kavanaugh was credibly charged with attempted rape." I found that interesting, anyway.
— Emily Larsen (@emilyelarsen) April 30, 2020
But he’s not biased. Nope.
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