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China APPROVES: Facebook removes shutdown protest events from platform because they 'defy the government'

We thought Facebook was standing up to the pressure the media have been putting on them to remove quarantine protest events on their platform because even this morning Zuckerberg was still defending them on the site. But sadly, just like that …


Well, no shiznit these events go against respective stay-at-home orders, THAT’S THE WHOLE STUPID POINT. Americans peaceably assemble because they disagree with the government. Why else would they PROTEST?! People don’t ‘check’ with the government before protesting to make sure they’re ok with it. ‘Hey, big rights-crushing gov, we’re thinking about protesting your overreach during this virus … you cool with that? No? Well ok then.’


Sorry for the caps but this editor is ticked.

Becasue they defy the government’s guidance.


*runs screaming angrily from the room*

From ABC:

A Facebook spokesperson says that the company has taken action to remove anti-quarantine events promoted on the website in California, Nebraska and New Jersey after consultation with state governments who said the events violate their respective state stay-at-home orders, ABC News’ Alexander Mallin reports.

“Unless government prohibits the event during this time, we allow it to be organized on Facebook. For this same reason, events that defy government’s guidance on social distancing aren’t allowed on Facebook,” a company spokesperson said in a statement.


Do what the government says.


China smiled.

If you’re not angry already you better get angry, folks.



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