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We're ALL Dictators Now! Twitter Turns the 'President Biden Declares' Graphic Into HILARIOUS Memes

Fuzzy Chimp

We're not sure if the Biden administration is TRYING to set the record for stupidity on their way out the door, but it sure seems like they are. And they are succeeding. 


As Twitchy readers know, yesterday, Joe Biden decided that he was going to be a dictator on Day 1,458 by declaring on Twitter that he had ensconced the Equal Rights Amendment into law and the Constitution by executive fiat.

Here is the now-infamous tweet. Note the graphic he used (we'll get back to that image in a moment).

Biden got resoundingly rebuffed for this ridiculous and unlawful claim by Twitter users, attorneys, Constitutional scholars, Community Notes, and pretty much anyone with a brain. But that didn't stop his Vice President, the constantly inebriated Kamala Harris, who went on Twitter -- AFTER Biden's dictate had been rejected -- to make the same claim

And these two people are lawyers? In Biden's case, one who (allegedly, but not really) taught Constitutional law?


Of course, leave it to Twitter to take Biden's false claim and run with it to hilarious ends.

Some of the funniest tweets included taking Biden's graphic and inserting new declarations as law. 

(When are politicians going to learn not to give such easy ammunition to Twitter?)

We've all known this all along. Might as well enshrine it in the Constitution. 


You hear that Applebees? Your long-running scam is coming to an end. 

That one is going to be controversial, especially in the South. We imagine it will go all the way up to SCOTUS for adjudication. 

Generation X approves of this amendment. 

That one is going to go over well with 'Florida men' everywhere. 

Twitchy's very own Coucy chimed in ... with something about France, obviously. 

Hey, if we're going to restore old monarchies, we prefer the Roman principate. Preferably in the Augustan era. 

Others directed new 'Constitutional amendments' at Biden himself. 

We can mention a lot of things that Biden IS (none of them good), but Barbara Eden he is NOT. 

If you made that into a T-shirt, Biden would almost certainly wear it ... with pride. 


On second thought, forget the T-shirt. Biden should get that one tattooed on his chest. 

'Repeat the line.'

With all of the recent talk about Biden's senility on his way out of office, we almost -- ALMOST -- forgot what a skeevy creep he is. 

After all of these years, especially the last four, we're more convinced than ever that Corn Pop was the good guy at the pool, who just tried to stop Biden from making little boys feel his leg hairs. 

HA. That's perfect. 

Things got even sillier from there. 

A lot of old debates are going to be settled once and for all with the new 'Biden Rule.'

Seems like a strange amendment to the Constitution, but Alex 'declared' it on Twitter, so it must be true. 

Well, that's just obvious. Especially after CNN's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day in court yesterday

We should add that to the Constitution on principle alone. 

Others had more fun with the 'declaration' without using the template. 


Maybe Biden could get away with his student loan scam by tweet as well. He's illegally ignoring the Supreme Court on that one anyway. 

LOL. Yes, that is EXACTLY what he pulled. 

Nope. We're not touching that one. We've seen the cookie debates on Twitter. They're more violent than a family game of Monopoly. 


Stupid global warming. It's not making everything hotter like we were promised.


Kids have been declaring those for ages—it's time to make it official.

We're betting Twitchy's own Carthaginian author is going to have a lot to say about that grits declaration above. 

Forget the Constitution. That one needs to be added to the Ten Commandments. 


Now, we're talking. Get on that one, DOGE. 

With all of the fun everyone was having at Biden's expense yesterday, and at the expense of all of the brain-dead leftists who celebrated his 'declaration,' leave it to Townhall's Kurt Schlichter to recap the (alleged) President's tweet and the day's events flawlessly. 

Absolutely, without question, and beyond a single shred of doubt. 

Whenever Biden gets around to building his Presidential library, this final, insane Twitter proclamation about the Constitution and the Equal Rights Amendment should be put on a plaque and hung in front of the entrance. After all, people who go into that building should know what they are in for. 

Just another 48 hours, Twitchy readers. We've lasted this long, we're sure we can make it that far. 

But boy, oh boy, Joe Biden seems dead set on testing our resolve in the dwindling days he has left.

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