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Spare Us, Snow White: Rachel Zegler Records Horrible Video Full of Narcissism and Fake Tears


Disney's new business model of 'go woke, go broke' seems to have no end in sight. Most of the company's recent projects have tanked at the box office (or awful streaming numbers for their Disney+ shows) and it's only looking like it's going to get worse from here. 


Fresh off the failure of the ridiculously bad (and canceled) show The Acolyte, Lucasfilm recently announced a new Star Wars trilogy and now even has the woke mob coming after them for that one in the form of disgraced soon-to-be ex-Congressman Jamaal Bowman. Marvel, meanwhile, is similarly failing with its own gay witch show, Agatha All Along

But Disney still has their beloved children's movies, right? 

... Right? 

Not so much. The new 'live-action' remake of Snow White has been doomed to failure almost since it was announced, much of that due to woke and toxic star Rachel Zegler, who has been issuing hateful speeches since she was cast in the role. Most recently, she wished that Trump and all of his supporters would simply die. Or at least, never know peace.

Is she trying to get everyone to root for the witch in her movie?

Zegler's most recent screed might have even been too much for Disney executives, however, and we wouldn't be surprised if someone told her to dial it back by about 10 notches. 

Her problem though is that she is a true believer (an 'acolyte' in her own right, so to speak). She is incapable of dialing it back. Check out this video she issued that just surfaced on Twitter: 


We're not sure which part of this is worse, the fake tears or her comparing herself to a timeless work of art in the Louvre like the Winged Victory of Samothrace. They're both pretty unbearable. 

But we've got some bad news for Zegler. Ain't nobody 'lining up' to see you anymore. Not in Snow White which is headed for a Titanic-like box office disaster. And increasingly, not for anything else she does.

Yep. That pretty much sums her up. 

We're not sure who she thinks she is reaching here, probably because she doesn't care if she reaches anyone. She only cares about her own ego.


As Twitchy -- and Megyn Kelly -- have reported, Disney fired Gina Carano for FAR less than this (for nothing really, and they are likely to pay BIG in court for that). It is astounding that Zegler has not been fired after all of the bile that she spews. 

Maybe that's just (D)ifferent.

We can't imagine what her agent and publicist must be thinking every time she opens her mouth. Whatever revenue she brings in cannot be worth all of the damage control.

Yeah ... the way a flesh-eating virus is studied. 

Some people have suggested that this video might be older and not related to her most recent controversy, but honestly, does it even matter? This is who she is. Toxicity personified. 


Who is The Mouse going to hire next? Kathy Griffin?

Good luck with winning anyone back, Disney. You could do that pretty easily by publicly denouncing Zegler and firing her, but you won't. So the audience will continue to avoid you in droves. 

Say that in Bob Iger's voice. Please.

We particularly liked the part about how she was tearful and breaking up while talking about how incredible she is. 


FAR more impressed. 

As we mentioned, we're not sure when this video was recorded and we frankly don't really care. It is a window into the type of person and the type of personality that Disney wants working for them. Actually, if it is an older video, it's even more damning for Disney, since they saw who she is long ago and still moved forward with her. 

If this is what Disney wants, they can have her. We're more than happy to spend our entertainment dollars elsewhere. 

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