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NAILED IT! Freedom Toons Provides the BEST (and Funniest) Take on the Kamala Fox Interview

By now, we have all had a chance to digest (uncomfortably) Kamala Harris's dumpster fire of an interview with Bret Baier on Fox News earlier this week. 

It was so bad that J.D. Vance even suggested that the Democrats might want to consider switching candidates again, back to the elderly man they threw out of the window this summer. 


And we have also seen how the leftist shills in the media have tried to run cover for Harris, saying that Baier was 'rude' or, of course, that the whole interview was 'sexist and racist.' (Because what we really want in a Commander-In-Chief is a petulant whiner who can't stand up to hard questions or even the mildest of pushback.)

But yesterday, we saw a HILARIOUS summary of the interview that captures not just her poor performance, but also the media reaction ... all in just over a minute. 

This outstanding cartoon comes to us from our friends at FreedomToons. But we have to warn you: don't drink anything while you are watching this ... unless you want that drink to come spurting out of your nose. 

You'll see what we mean. Take a look: 


Ain't it, though? 

Of course, you can count on leftists to be humorless scolds about the cartoon, as they always are.


LOL. Seth did the meme. The left always does the meme. 

As the saying goes, it was funny until you got mad. Now, it's HILARIOUS.

Most normal people agreed. Even former NFL running back Le'Veon Bell got a kick out of it. 

As funny as the portrayal of Harris was, the reaction of the 'pundits' at the end of the video might be even better. 

The line between reality and parody has never been blurred so much as it was with the media trying to claim Harris was a 'strong girl boss' in this interview. 

HAHAHA. J.D. Vance called it. 

Harris had plenty of bad moments with Baier, but this one is still probably our favorite. 

It's brilliant. Hang it in the Smithsonian. 

And what's even funnier is that Harris's cringe surrogate account Kamala HQ was actually bragging about that fact. 


So, 10.1 million Trump voters? Got it. (They are SOOOOOO bad at this.)

We'd like to give FreedomToons the proverbial 'chef's kiss.'

A solid finger point from Donald Trump will have to suffice. 

Aaaah, we see what you did there. Well played. 

It's amazing that the media cannot understand how ridiculous they sound when we can see them all reading from the same talking points in real-time. 

Yep. We're dead too. LOL. 


HA. OK, in deference to all of the wonderful doggos out there, we will take mercy on the pups and stop now. 

For everyone else, we hope you took our advice and weren't drinking anything as soon as you heard Harris 'speak.' Our condolences to your phone or keyboard if you did have a beverage in hand. 

Congratulations to FreedomToons for creating one of the funniest -- and highly accurate -- takes on the interview and media reaction to it that we've seen all week.

Crack open a beer or pour a whisky. You earned it.

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