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Is That Kamala's Crowd or Just the Bread Line? Donald Trump Hilariously Previews the Chicago DNC

AP Photo/John Bazemore

Can we just say how awesome it is that Donald Trump is back on Twitter? No offense to Truth Social, but it really is a small, niche platform that has very little visibility outside of hardcore Trump fans.


But since Trump announced his return to Twitter in legendary fashion, hosting a 2-hour interview with Elon Musk that has topped one billion views, he is able to get his message -- serious, sarcastic, or both -- out to so many more people.

Plus, it drives the left insane with fits of rage, and we love that a lot.

This morning, Trump decided to tweet about the upcoming Democratic National Convention this week as only Trump can, with a visual commentary on what the DNC might look like. 

Personally, we think it's pretty accurate. 

BOOM. The only thing missing from this depiction of the DNC are the tens of thousands of pro-Hamas protesters burning down the streets of Chicago. But maybe Trump will tweet that tomorrow. 

As for this image, 'Communist Kamala' has been a popular topic on Twitter ever since Harris announced her plan to fight inflation through government price controls. Because that's always worked in the past. [Sarcastic eye roll.]

But there is more about Harris that makes calling her a Communist accurate, not only the government putting its boot on the neck of retailers. Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker detailed many of the Communist features of her campaign and the Democrat Party:  


Check, check, check, check, and check. Even CNN and The Washington Post are concerned that the Harris campaign is looking and sounding more than a little ... Bolshevik. 

Nope. Looks real to us. Or, at least it looks as real as many of the crowds that the Harris campaign puts out themselves. 'Sauce for the goose ...,' as they say.

It does indeed. And it reaches just an exponentially larger number of people on Twitter. 

That's why we love the platform. But we also love it because this Trump tweet inspired many others to share their imagery of 'Kamunism.'

We forgot about Tim Walz for a little while there. Is he still the running mate? Or have the Democrats dumped him for all of his scandals like they dumped Joe Biden for being senile?

That's a much better cover than the one Time actually went with

Bear in mind, all of these are file photos and none of them are A.I.-generated (wink, wink). 


Here are some more pictures from the archive: 

Poor Shepard Fairey. He really thought he could copy his own Obama 'Hope' poster and it wouldn't be mocked relentlessly on Twitter. 

Wow, that one is really good. Ka-Mao-la and Karl Walz. 

We hate to say it, but California is kind of already there under Governor Gavin Newsom (people don't call it 'Commiefornia' for nothing). 

Hey, she looks a lot like Joe Biden in that picture. How about that? 

Is that written in blood? That tracks, given the entire history of Communism in the real world. 

Awww, look how 'joyful' Chairman Harris looks in that picture. 


HA. We think they're perfect for each other. Not so much for America, though. 

Hmm, where have we heard that phrase before? 'You will own nothing and be happy?'

As the late Norm Macdonald would say, 'Sounds like some f**kin' Commie gobbledygook.

We could keep going and going with these images of '#Kamunism.' You can check out Trump's tweet for so many more of them. 

For now, there are a few things we know for sure: 

Kamala Harris is promoting and promising policies that are Communist in nature, Twitter users love playing with A.I. image generators, and -- most importantly -- MEAN TWEETS ARE BACK, BABY. 

And it's only August. Just think of all the tweets Trump will be sending between now and November, tweets that will cumulatively reach hundreds of millions, if not billions of people. 

 We don't know about you, but we're making some popcorn.

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