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Time for Another Supercut: Tom Elliott DESTROYS the Media on Walz Versus Vance VP Announcements


We already know how 'in the tank' most of the corporate media is for anything leftist. That's not news. But could they at least try for some originality once in a while? 


Every time a leftist narrative gets launched, the Chatty Cathy pull-string dolls (otherwise known as anyone who appears on CNN, MSNBC, or network news broadcasts) simply repeat the words they are told to say verbatim. They are a true hive mind. 

No wonder they love Kamala 'We Believe In The Collective' Harris so much. 

No one on Twitter is better at showing the groupthink of these media automatons than Tom Elliott, who has given us countless supercuts of these 'journalists' reciting their scripts. 

This morning, Elliott gifted us with another fantastic video. This time, the topic was the media reaction to the rollout of Democrat vice presidential nominee Tom Walz versus the reaction of these same to the announcement of Republican nominee J.D. Vance.

Watch carefully or you might miss the slight change in tone regarding those two men. It's very subtle (LOL).

This is just too hilarious for words. It's 'Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy' versus 'WE'RE ALL DOOOOOOOOMED.'


HA. Right? Like we said it's pretty subtle, almost subliminal.

It is simply impossible to hate them enough. Like the math question posed to Lindsey Lohan's character in Mean Girls, the correct answer is, 'The limit does not exist.'

There's certainly no news on television or in traditional media outlets. Thank God for Twitter. 

We are certain that none of these 'journalists' watch each other. They would have to see (even if they would never admit it publicly) how buffoonish they all sound repeating the phrase 'happy warrior' to each other over and over again.

If you've seen how angry Walz has gotten in recent days after his blue falcon history has been exposed, he doesn't look very happy to us. And we're certain that he is not a warrior, as the men in his unit have attested. 


The woke mind virus is very much like a cult (a death cult, to be precise). And the last people to ever recognize a cult are the people who have been totally assimilated into the cult. 

Twitchy has, in fact, covered how the talking points are distributed, sometimes even in an actual memo. We've also covered many previous examples of the media hive mind at work

Their do-nothing jobs pay extremely well. That's one reason. But sometimes, we do have silly pipe dreams of what it would look like if even a couple of them woke up and found their independence and dignity. 


It would be embarrassing for any normal person, but the only thing these media personalities lack more than originality is self-awareness. 

There's no question the media influence in America is waning and we love to see that. But sadly, they do still wield some influence. Enough to sway a close election, for instance. 

Do you want to know the truly weird thing about this? It's not even just the words. Watch their expressions and tone of voice. They're all identical. Gleeful and bouncy when describing Walz, dour and grim when describing Vance. 


We wish we had a better answer to that question. There are just too many passive thinkers. But every day, more and more people are waking up. And these videos only help that awakening. 

We could never thank Tom Elliott enough for his supercut videos. He has done so much to expose the truth of American media. 

And the truth is that the media has become the Borg.

The Borg always says that 'resistance is futile' and, while it is true that these laughable 'journalists' do what they do in part to demoralize and weaken their opposition, we know that we (and all Twitchy readers) will never give in to their fake narratives. 

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