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YOU Support Them: Chris Murphy Face Plants as Pro-Hamas Protesters Burn American Flags in D.C.

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Democrats love to lecture America that it is Republicans who are the extremists and who promote political violence. That false narrative fell flat on its face yesterday, as we all witnessed one of the most disgraceful displays of America hatred we've ever seen, and it came from people who support Democrats. 


As Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of the United States' biggest and maybe only ally in the Middle East, was speaking to Congress, violent demonstrators charged Capitol Hill where they were repelled with pepper spray (notably not flash bangs or tear gas grenades). Demonstrators also converged on nearby Union Station, where they raised Palestinian flags, burned American flags, and defaced every surface they could find, including the Freedom Bell -- a replication of the Liberty Bell -- with anti-American, pro-Hamas graffiti.

Twitchy's managing editor, Sam Janney, reacted to the scene with three words of horror and sorrow. 

Anyone who loves America should feel the same way. 

But as horrible as these protesters are -- and any of them who are not citizens should be deported immediately -- even worse are the politicians who enable them. 

One of those politicians is the Democrats' likely nominee for President, Kamala Harris. Another is Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy. 


Unbelievable. Here are Murphy's two tweets. Take a moment to digest the timing of both. 

This was sent at 3:38 PM. Just after Netanyahu had finished speaking -- actually AS the violent, hateful demonstrations were taking place. Murphy dismissed them. Would not even entertain the idea that there are people in America who hate this country (and Israel, and Jewish people) and support a terrorist organization.


The second tweet wasn't sent until 9:18 PM, long after the violence at Capitol Hill and Union Station had ended. 

Isn't that special? Murphy is shocked ... SHOCKED to find out such people exist. And they vote Democrat.

And that was all Murphy did. He sent a tweet. Contrast that with Republican lawmakers who took it upon themselves to visit Union Station last night, raise new American flags, and salute them while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Do you think you will see Harris or Murphy showing such a display of patriotism? Don't count on it. 

As Twitchy reported last night, America has a choice coming soon. And the choice couldn't be more stark. 

No, for the past 10 months, Murphy has been similarly dismissing the violent crime that has exploded in America due to the invasion at the border (under border czar Kamala Harris, we might add), calling it a 'right-wing conspiracy.'

He has also recently made the laughable claim that Donald Trump is the one who causes political violence in America

That's always a stiff competition, but honestly, we don't believe Murphy is dumb. He's just a gaslighter and a liar. And when he gets caught, he tries to pretend he never said the things he said previously ... even just a few hours previously in this case. 


OK, we were wrong. Maybe he is dumb. 


He needs to look in a mirror, that's what he needs to do. He'll find the person he should be outraged at staring back at him. 

And that's why Americans no longer trust 'the experts.'

Without exception. 

This is an extremely plausible theory. 


Maybe Murphy needs to go back and listen to Netanyahu's speech to Congress again. Clearly, it didn't sink in the first time. 

Here is a relevant section: 

Yet incredibly many anti-Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They stand with people who came into the kibbutzim, into a home, the parents hid the children, the two babies, in the attic, in a secret attic. They murdered the family, the parents, they found the secret latch to the hidden attic and then they murdered the babies. These protesters stand with them. They should be ashamed of themselves ...

... For all we know, Iran is funding the anti-Israel protests that are going on right now outside this building—not that many, but they’re there—and throughout the city. Well, I have a message for these protesters: When the Tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.

We can think of another useful idiot too. He hails from Connecticut and serves in the U.S. Senate. 

The saddest part is, if Chris Murphy was an honest man, yesterday's violence and vandalism could serve as a wake-up call for him. He could engage in some self-reflection and emerge with some clearer thoughts, much like Senator John Fetterman seems to have done. 


But he won't. He may make a few more remarks or tweets of condemnation about the protests over the next day or two. But he is a dishonest man. Within a week, if not sooner, he will once again pretend that this is all Republicans and Donald Trump's fault, and once again pretend that there aren't FAR too many people who hate America invading this country. 

What a shame. 

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