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Dem Sen. Chris Murphy's Open Border Blame Game Is 100 Percent Pure Projection


On day one in office, President Biden, with the swipe of a pen, undid dozens of Trump measures that were keeping the border more secure.


That all happened after Biden urged people to "surge to the border" if he were to end up in the White House. Not long after that, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas bragged about it:

The bottom line is that Biden opened up the border. Now that Biden's trailing Trump in all swing states, Dem Sen. Chris Murphy is leading the Left's gaslighting charge to try and pin the blame on the Republicans. 

This is laughable on multiple levels: 

"Biden wants to solve problems, not create them." 


Creating problems is all Biden has done!

It's Biden's fault and everybody knows it. Heck, Murphy even knows that but will never admit it. 

The media are to a large degree complicity with the Left and serve as propagandists for Democrats.

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