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RECEIPTS! Townhall's John Hasson Tweets BRUTAL Thread of Dem Politicians Saying 'Biden Is Fine'

Sarah D.

One of the best parts about writing at Twitchy is the great writers we get to see on all of our family of websites at Townhall Media. There's Townhall itself, of course, and also Red State, PJ Media, Bearing Arms, and Hot Air. And they don't just put out great content on their respective websites either, but also on social media.


That's where Twitchy comes in, as everyone knows, to show everyone what's happening on Twitter. And what happened on Twitter this morning was Townhall contributor John Hasson dropping an AVALANCHE of receipts not only on Joe Biden after his debate disaster last night but also on countless elected Democrats who have spent recent months lying to America that Biden is 'just fine.'

Actually, they went much further than 'just fine.' They tried to gaslight America into believing that Biden was sharp as a tack -- behind closed doors, obviously, not when he was getting lost and confused in public on D-Day, to recall just one example. 

Twitchy has already covered many instances of the leftist media doing the same thing. But it was schadenfreudelicious (that's a patented Twitchy word, LOL) to see Hasson show receipt after receipt of politicians propagating the lie. 

Let's enjoy ...

In fairness to Pelosi, she is even more ancient than Biden is. Plus, you know, she drinks. A LOT. (We'll refrain from making a 'hammered' joke here.) 


Ahhh, John Tester. The multi-millionnaire who likes to pretend he's a 'good old boy.' We like how he stuttered his way through much of that, probably because he couldn't believe what he was saying. 

On a side note, Tester is in a VERY vulnerable position to lose his Senate seat in 2024. His mental gymnastics about Biden -- one way or another -- should be very entertaining over the coming months. 

'He was sharper than anyone I've spoken to.' 

Who else is Dan Goldman speaking to? Zombies? 

If you read The Hill article that Hasson is citing here, it gets even more hilarious. Coons actually tries to blame the 'lifelong stutter.'

Coons noted that Biden has had 'a lifelong stutter,' the effects of which emerge from time to time, but which he insisted isn’t a sign of a mental confusion.

'I think what is highlighted in some of the, in my view, attack reels that I see on other news outlets is not evidence of mental feebleness but is either evidence of a lifelong stutter, or the result of having an incredibly demanding schedule and having served in public life 50 years,' he said.

'When I say that I find him sharp and commanding, and I have no concerns about his mental acuity, I’m being honest,' he said.



When Coons says, 'I'm being honest,' it means that he is lying. 

That tweet is just a screenshot, but here is an actual quote from Warnock in the Axios article

'I think [Biden] will go down as certainly one of the most effective presidents we've seen, certainly in my lifetime.'


This was just two months ago. Two. Months. Ago. 

Casey better start worrying about his own re-election chances this fall as well. 

Another vulnerable Democrat Senator in 2024. We're noticing a pattern here. 

We'll be watching these Senators VERY carefully to see if and when they change their tune. 

At least Padilla doesn't have to worry about re-election ... not THIS year, anyway. 


We're pretty sure Biden couldn't sell a ham sandwich to a starving man, but that's just us. 

In Chris Murphy's case, we're not surprised at how easily he lies. This is the same man who has dismissed the illegal immigrant violent crime crisis as a 'right-wing conspiracy.'

LOL. 'Ageism.' 

It's not Biden's age, folks. It's that there are no lights left on upstairs. 

Then again, Tim Walz and his Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan believe in 'trans children' and that men can get pregnant, so they've got vivid imaginations. 

Mitch Landrieu just used the phrase 'big boy pants' in reference to Biden. 

That ... fits, somehow. 

Hasson had one last receipt to drop about how much Democrats have lied about Joe Biden. 

Here is the quote from that video: 

I think Joe Biden's mental acuity is very, very on. He's one of the smartest, sharpest people I've met in D.C. As a Native person, I think age is a good thing. Wisdom and experience are a good thing. I think he leads with love and compassion and I appreciate that in a leader.'


Whoo, boy. That is .. that is something alright. Even better, when the NBC host pressed her on the question, her next response was that she believed she should 'stay in her lane.'

She's just brimming with confidence about Biden, isn't she? 

We're sure Hasson probably could have come up with many, many more examples of Democrat politicians lying and gaslighting Americans about Joe Biden's mental fitness. But this was enough for now. 

One thing is for sure. Democrats up for re-election this fall -- like John Tester, Bob Casey, and Sherrod Brown -- are going to have a LOT to answer to their voters about these comments. 

Hopefully, their Republican challengers will bring these quotes up repeatedly. 

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