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The Untouchable: Broadcasters Association Strips Robert De Niro of Award After Unhinged Trump Rant

The left has been grinning and crowing about 'consequences' since Donald Trump was convicted in his Manhattan show trial on Thursday. One person who is probably the most smug about it is Robert De Niro, who -- at the behest of the Biden campaign -- went on an unhinged rant about Trump a couple of days before the verdict came in. He even got into shouting matches with hecklers, embarrassing himself even further. 


Well, it turns out that De Niro, despite being Hollywood royalty, isn't immune from consequences himself. A lot of people saw his rambling speech about 'the end of democracy.' Some of those people work for the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). And they didn't like it one bit. 

At the end of the week, just as the Trump verdict was being delivered, the NAB announced that it was revoking a prestigious award they had planned to present to De Niro next week, explicitly because of his tirade. 

De Niro was set to be given a philanthropy award and honored at the NAB's Celebration of Service to America. Until the NAB saw that maybe he's not such a philanthropist after all, but more of a screaming, partisan lunatic. Now, they don't even want him to attend. 

Alex Siciliano, NAB senior vice president of communications, left no doubt as to why the organization decided to disinvite De Niro from its event: 

'While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niro’s recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize ... To maintain the focus on service of the award winners, Mr. De Niro will no longer be attending the event.'

'This event is proudly bipartisan, uniting those from across the political spectrum to celebrate the impactful work of local broadcasters and our partners,' he said. 'We look forward to a night of celebration honoring the exceptional work of broadcasters and our partners who make a difference in their communities every day.'



De Niro, for his part, said that he still supports the NAB, but given many actors' addiction to adulation and getting feted for being such outstanding people, that had to sting more than a little bit. 

De Niro has plenty of hardware over his acting career, so losing the award probably doesn't affect him too much. But we're guessing the public rebuke did.

If you haven't had a chance to check out the Twitter hashtag #DeNirosNextBigFlick this week, it's worth the time. There were some VERY funny movie titles (and memes) associated with it. 

LOL. Like that one. 

Well, there's an image we're never going to be able to get out of our heads. And not in a good way. 


As Siciliano said in his statement, De Niro has every right to express his thoughts and beliefs like every other American. But the NAB doesn't have to associate itself with those thoughts and beliefs. 


To be fair, we're not sure if De Niro is all there upstairs anymore, so he probably doesn't know what he's endorsing. 

Ironically, that makes him the perfect campaign surrogate for Joe Biden. 

De Niro is permanently broken. Like many on the left, if Trump wins in November, he may need to be kept away from any sharp objects. 

LOL, that's a good one. 

More importantly, good for the NAB for understanding and recognizing that their audience is NOT just the left. As Michael Jordan once famously said, 'Republicans buy sneakers too.' 

Not only that, but we're sure the NAB feared exactly what De Niro might shout out if they gave him a stage and a microphone at their event. 


After his public display outside the Trump courtroom this week, we don't blame them one bit.

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