As Twitchy reported earlier, “FOX & Friends” tracked down and interviewed the Detroit autoworker 2020 front runner Joe Biden said was “full of s**t” and threatened to slap after he asked Biden about his gun control policy. Remember: As recently as March 3, Biden was touting Beto O’Rourke — the guy who sold T-shirts saying, “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15” — as his gun control czar, saying, “You’re going to take care of the gun problem with me. You’re gonna be the one who leads this effort.”
So it’s understandable that a citizen might have concerns over gun confiscation or a mandatory buyback under a Biden administration. Dana Loesch has a great piece at her website breaking down the exchange and calling out Biden.
Biden wasn’t responding to a “distortion of his record.” Jerry Wayne cited Joe Biden’s actual words:
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 11, 2020
Either Biden is proud of his anti-Second Amendment policy of bans and confiscation, or he isn’t. He can’t have it both ways — he can’t affirm it in a CNN interview and then claim his own actual words coming from his own physical mouth are a “distortion” —
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 11, 2020
— or the Biden campaign is accusing CNN of dubbing the interview footage with a voice and words that are not his. That’s the only other option here.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 11, 2020
Loesch refers in her piece to this clip of Biden being interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper where he says “Bingo!” when Cooper brings up confiscation.
Biden lies to this worker, and claims that he never said he would take away guns
Last August, he said exactly that about many popular rifles
"To gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden Administration means they're going to come for my guns…"
"Bingo, you're right"
— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) March 10, 2020
Loesch writes:
Biden is also incorrect when he analogizes semi-autos to full-autos, which are not illegal. Biden’s argument is that because machine guns are harder to get it means they’re used less in crimes, but the semi-auto rifles he wants to ban are also used vastly less in crime (a minuscule percentage; same for shotguns) especially compared to handguns. His argument on rounds is also illogical — you can ban certain magazine capacities with unenforceable laws (that have no effect on crime driven by repeat offenders) and people will carry more magazines that take a second or less to swap. These aren’t serious proposals from a person serious about crime or violence.
Maybe that’s why Biden got so worked up — he doesn’t have a serious proposal and he knows it.
It's the same lapse in memory which will have Joe violently denying he got hostile with a voter in the future
— adziebart (@adziebart1) March 11, 2020
It’s truly heartbreaking to watch: a failing senior citizen who clearly can’t recall his own stated stances on major policies is being paraded around by handlers who barely have a handle on him.
Imagine the backroom coaching he’s being put through, all to put his VP into office
— Robwithakick (@IiOehlbeck) March 11, 2020
The wheels are wobbling.
— Rebecca Hansbrough (@DucksNFLBuzz) March 11, 2020
He’s embarrassing to watch. I’m a union worker for 22 years and I’ll vote Trump this time!!!! The Democratic Party has turned into a joke!!!!
— Jeffrey Norman (@Norm1816) March 11, 2020
Why doesn't anyone ever ask these leftists to explain the purpose of the second amendment? Is everyone really that stupid?
— Jack (@TsinoiTalosi) March 11, 2020
This is exactly why it is so hard for the left to run for office in America, or why it should be. How can you lead a country when you stand for policies directly counter to the principles of that nation? You can’t. And the left rejects our republics founding faith and principles.
— jcope (@jtcope4) March 11, 2020
Biden simply panders to the current crowd he is speaking to.
— Randy Arrington, PhD (@KeroseneCowboy) March 11, 2020
I think he is being honest.
The problem is, he honestly doesn't know or even remember everything he says.
— Cory Morgan (@CoryBMorgan) March 11, 2020
Well it’s up for grabs which is more distorted. His speech or his mind. He’s definitely walking the middle of the road on gun confiscation though.
— MasterBlaster (@MasterB52709270) March 11, 2020
Well, trying, anyway, on an issue where there really is no middle of the road.
— Bryan (@ImBryanWhite) March 11, 2020
Joe should turn in his shotgun.
— Terry, LEO (Ret.) ?? (@editor_wp) March 11, 2020
Biden loves to tell you he owns a shotgun, and he’s encouraged every American to buy a shotgun to have to just shoot through the front door if you think there’s an intruder out there in the dark.
Joe Biden, who encouraged every American to buy a shotgun, now says you’ll need an F-15 to fight the government
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 10, 2019
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