As Twitchy reported Tuesday, Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, appeared on Fox News to discuss those texts between the FBI’s Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, including one mentioning a “secret society.”
Intriguingly, Johnson told Fox News host Brett Baier the committee has an informant who told them about a group holding meetings off-site.
Who knows? It could turn out to be a bowling league or something … but that’s why Johnson stressed how important it is that whatever documentation is out there — like those 5 months’ worth of missing texts — is preserved.
Obviously, the heat is being turned up on the Democrats and the FBI, so leave it to Screamin’ Howard Dean to impugn Johnson as a “nutcase.”
I kinda thought this Senator was a nutcase. Looks like I was right.
— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) January 24, 2018
Funny how Dean doesn’t seem concerned about those months and months of missing texts, possibly from thousands of FBI-issued smartphones, not just two.
Dean’s followers were pretty quick to pile on. This post might be a fun one to revisit once some of these documents are made public and the FISA memo is released. Maybe it’s nothing … maybe not; but the nuttiness is spreading among Republicans who’ve read the texts.
We’ll check back in and see how well the “shoot the messenger” strategy worked out for Dean and company.
As a Wisconsin resident, I can assure you that yes, you were right.
— Rufus Sawyer (@rufusawyer) January 24, 2018
Yeah. This is nuttier than usual, even for him. -Sad Wisconsinite
— ThisGrannyResists (@Heart4WI) January 24, 2018
We sadly know all too well that @SenRonJohnson is a nutjob & a crackpot…
— Kyle Ronald Freund (@krfreund) January 24, 2018
The next thing you know, crackpot Senator Johnson will be talking about the Freemasons.
— Chaplain America (@Chaplain_Billx) January 24, 2018
Wouldn't be so bad if he was the only one. But, these tinfoil hat wearing nutjobs are running amok in our entire country. What the hell is going on??
— Ron Gonzales (@BulldogDoc) January 24, 2018
What the hell is going on? Something about Trump colluding with Putin to steal the election by using Facebook memes of Hillary Clinton arm wresting Jesus?
Johnson shows ALL the symptoms of someone dropped multiple times on his head….and yet he got elected.
— Larry Zyontz (@lzyontz) January 24, 2018
The more it’s shared, even if making fun of it, the more people hear & believe in this crap! That’s the single purpose of the Russian bots! To repeat the crazy claims themselves but also to get us sane people to help them out with reposts. Then it spreads. Best is to not respond!
— bob (@SirRobertBob) January 24, 2018
It’s the Russian bots, says the guy who thinks Johnson is a nutcase.
Sen. Ron Johnson wants answers about those missing FBI texts, ‘secret society’
Secret society? Congressman says texts show manifest anti-Trump bias among top FBI officials
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