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And? Michigan state representative escorted across Capitol Avenue by African Americans carrying 'large rifles'

This post takes place in Michigan, but we’d like to take you back to the Second Amendment rally that took place in Virginia in January because we got a lot of hot takes on race from that one. Despite extensive photographic evidence to the contrary, we learned that all of the protesters were white men because non-white men wouldn’t be safe in that crowd. We also learned that those white men were racists defending gun rights “that don’t extend to black people.”


Any time there’s a protest where people are carrying firearms, there’s a deluge of tweets saying, “Imagine if those were African Americans” or “Imagine if those were Muslims” — carrying a firearm in plain sight is a sure sign of white privilege.

As Twitchy reported, protesters — sorry, “terrorists” — some armed, “stormed” the state capitol in Michigan April 30 to oppose a proposed extension to the state’s coronavirus lockdown. And of course, these terrorists were all white men exercising their white privilege.

Now it’s apparently news that an African American state representative was escorted to work by at least three black men carrying “large rifles.”

A lot of politicians enjoy armed security, but we’re assuming these are volunteers. Who knew black men even owned guns?


We didn’t see any racist or anti-Semitic signage, though there might have been some; the most anti-Semitic things we’ve heard related to coronavirus lockdowns have come from the mouth of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

City Pulse reports:

After a hoard of armed and angry protesters swarmed Lansing last week, State Rep. Sarah Anthony brought some extra protection on her way to the State Capitol today.

At least three African Americans carrying large rifles escorted Anthony across Capitol Avenue earlier this morning so she could safely attend committee meetings without fear of intimidation. She said she didn’t necessarily request the help, but welcomed the extra security nonetheless.

Anthony’s concerns are largely based on a “complete failure” of the Michigan State Police to maintain adequate security, she explained. She didn’t find out until this week that police could have escorted her to her car after she left the Capitol. No other security measures were mentioned.

“It was just unnerving to me as a woman and as a person,” Anthony said, noting that Capitol sergeants otherwise do an adequate job keeping lawmakers inside safe. “These community volunteers today won’t be needed all the time, but they wanted to have a presence today.”


So she could have requested an armed escort from police, but now brought her own? Cool.


There were plenty of photos from the Virginia rally, even though they were invisible to those who didn’t think it fit their narrative.



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