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You Mad, Bro? Gavin Newsom Is TICKED OFF About Californians Democratically Supporting Crime Bill Prop 36


The Democratic Party loves democracy. Just ask them, and they'll tell you.

They'll also tell you Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are an existential threat to that democracy, and must be stopped at all costs.

Because they're raging hypocrites.

A while ago, I told you about Gavin Newsom signing a bunch of laws aimed at reducing smash-and-grab robberies, car thefts, and shoplifting. At the time, I wrote:

While the Left will tell us crime rates are down, the reality is quite different. According to a recent analysis of data, crime is actually up in 66 cities across the country and violent crime us up 25%.

One of the places struggling with crime is California. The wounds are all self-inflicted: the Golden State has been soft on crime for many, many years. That's why they have roving, organized mobs of shoplifters ransacking retailers in LA; in San Francisco, the city's last Denny's closed thanks to a rash of dine-and-dashing and businesses are leaving in droves.

Governor Gavin Newsom tried to brag about the 'progress' the state has made in combating organized retail theft, but the reality of math took the wind out of his sails. Newsom is also pushing legislation to further address shoplifting, 'smash-and-grab' robberies, and car thefts (weird thing to push if crime is down, right?)

California Democrats passed these laws because they -- including Newsom -- are opposed to Prop 36, which would allow felony charges and increased sentences for drug and theft crimes.

Think about that for a second.

Gavin Newsom and the California Democrats (who enjoy a supermajority in the state legislature and routinely block Republican bills) have one job: to protect the people of California from criminals and lawlessness.

And they oppose a bill that would do just that.

But it gets even worse.

Prop 36 is wildly popular with voters.

It will pass, surely.

And Gavin Newsom, that supposed defender of democracy, is very disappointed with his constituents (emphasis added):

The absolute audacity of this man.

Of course the people have a different point of view. They're not rich, privileged, and spoiled like Newsom. Remember how Newsom locked down his state during COVID while he dined at The French Laundry? We do.

Newsom doesn't have to live with the drug dealers and addicts, the streets lined with human feces, the stores closing down, or the crime in his neighborhood.

So of course voters -- who suffer under his terrible governance -- have a different point of view.

But this is the arrogance and ignorance of the Democratic Party. It's also their hypocrisy.

Here we have voters going through the democratic process to get Prop 36 on the ballot -- collecting signatures, campaigning, and getting people to buy into it -- and Gavin Newsom sneers at them.

Newsom legitimately thinks the people of California should just tolerate the crime, the drugs, the filth, the lawlessness because -- like most Leftists -- he isn't impacted by it, therefore they shouldn't be.

He's mad voters refuse to gloss over the problems Democrats' policies have caused in California. They're fed up and fighting back. What does Gavin Newsom do? He looks down his nose at them for it.

He's mad the voters will use democracy to reclaim some modicum of sanity in The Golden State. You know, that thing Gavin Newsom says he's defending from evil Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters.

And this should tell us all we need to know about how the Democrats really view democracy: they only like it when they win.


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