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GAME OVER: Pro-Life Activist Reminds Us What's at Stake If Kamala Wins in November

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

On September 23, 2022, Mark Houck and his family thought they were waking up to another typical Friday. But at 7:05 am, dozens of FBI agents -- their guns drawn -- raided the Houck family home. They were pointing those guns at Houck, at his wife, Ryan-Marie, and their seven children who were screaming in terror.

The family watched as the FBI arrested Mark Houck.

What was his crime? What warranted such a show of force from the FBI?

Surely, your mind goes to horrific things like robbery and murder. Perhaps even January 6. Whatever it was, it had to be pretty horrific, right?

You'd be wrong.

Houck's home was raided by dozens of FBI because the Biden DOJ charged him under the 'Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances' (FACES) Act, which makes it a federal crime to 'injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of reproductive health care.'

The incident stemmed from an encounter Houck and his son had outside an abortion clinic in October 2021 -- almost a year prior to the FBI raid. Houck, a devout Catholic, was counseling outside an abortion clinic when an abortion escort yelled obscenities at and threatened Houck's son. Houck pushed the man away from his child.

Houck was not tried in state court, and the man's lawsuit failed in court.

But nearly a year later, the FBI came knocking and dragged Houck out of his home. At the time, he faced 11 years in prison (plus three years supervised release), and up to $350,000 in fines.

Houck was acquitted in January 2023.

He, however, is not the only pro-lifer faced (or facing) charges. 11 pro-life activists faced charges, as we told you in October 2022. In September 2023, two pro-life activists -- Jean Marshall, then 73, and Joan Bell, then 74 -- were convicted under the FACES Act. Like Houck, they faced 11 years in prison.

In June of this year, 76-year-old Paula Harlow was convicted of praying in the doorway of an abortion clinic. She was sentenced to two years in prison and mocked by the judge who threw her behind bars. See, Harlow has health problems that mean her two year sentence is likely a life sentence. Harlow's husband asked to go to prison with her due to health concerns. In denying that request, the judge mockingly told the Harlows to simply 'pray' about it.

Why am I telling you this? For perspective:

I know -- I know -- Trump is not consistent or solid on pro-life issues. I have said that while I'm in favor of a ban on abortion. I also know that doesn't come through federal fiat, but through working to change hearts and minds at the state and local level.

Additionally, I realize most Americans disagree with me. They favor some limits on abortion, but not total bans.

But I also know -- without a shadow of a doubt -- things will be much, much worse under a Kamala Harris administration.

Not just in terms of unfettered abortion up to and including the moment of birth (paid for by our tax dollars, naturally). That's just the awful beginning.

Kamala Harris has said she will use the federal government to override state laws to protect her beloved abortion. It was Kamala Harris who threw journalist David Dalieden in jail to protect Planned Parenthood. Dalieden exposed how the abortion provider was selling organs and body parts of aborted fetuses. She even had Dalieden's home raided at gunpoint (noticing a theme there?). She's also in favor of censoring and government oversight of social media.

And look at what she did to the pro-lifers I mentioned above. Armed raids. Arrest. Prison. Fines.

There should be zero question or doubt that Kamala will also use the FACES Act and the DOJ to wage brutal lawfare against pro-lifers, crisis pregnancy centers, and churches who oppose abortion.

We've seen the evidence. I'm asking you to believe it.

We have seen how brutally -- years after the fact -- the Biden-Harris DOJ doggedly prosecut-- no, persecuted -- pro-lifers for the so-called 'crime' of praying or standing outside of abortion clinics.

What happened to Mark Houck, Jean Marshall, Joan Bell, Jean Harlow, David Dalieden and others is just the opening act. Those are warning shots across the bow of the pro-life movement: the Harris administration will use the full weight of federal law to shut you down, throw you in prison, and crush you.

They will trample your civil rights. With malice and without remorse. Her goal will be the obliteration of the pro-life movement in America.

So they can have unfettered access to abortion.

That is what's at stake in November. Kamala wins and it's game over for the pro-life movement.

Game. Over.


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