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Kamala Harris' Vision of 'Equity' Is Anti-American, Unconstiutional, and Utterly Disqualifying

AP Photo/Kurt Strumpf

I've run down the numerous ways Kamala Harris is a dangerous, Leftist partisan who has the most liberal record of anyone in the Senate. This -- in and of itself -- makes her unqualified to be the President of the United States.

In the column linked above, I pointed out Kamala is on record advocating for the 'equitable' distribution of disaster aid, doled out based on gender and race. 

Here's that video:

Sorry, white dudes (but be sure to jump on that campaign Zoom call, 'kay?)

I want you to take a moment and appreciate exactly what it is Kamala is saying in this video. Let's say a hurricane hits your neighborhood. You and your neighbors, who happen to be black while you are white, both lose your houses.

In Kamala's world, only your neighbors should deserve disaster aid. You? 

You can hope your insurance comes through, or you can pay out of pocket, or you can be homeless.

That is her idea of 'equity.'

Lest we think that this was a one-off, here's another one of Kamala advocating equity again.

This is straight up Marxism.

It is anti-fairness, anti-capitalist, and anti-American.

Not to mention -- especially in the case of disaster aid -- unconstitutional and discriminatory. At least one judge has ruled such equity policies -- in the form of the 'Minority Business Agency' -- as such. Now imagine this policy writ-large across the federal government under a President Kamala Harris.

This is also the bigotry of low expectations, and a complete denial of human nature. Kamala thinks that certain demographic groups are incapable of getting ahead without government putting its thumb on the scale. It's racist, but I expect no better from Democrats. And even though Scientific American swears Kamala has a 'familiarity' with science, she doesn't know a darned thing about human nature.

No person in his or her right mind is going to strive to achieve great things if the government will punish them in the name of equity.

And rightly so.

If your neighbor only works 20 hours a week and government gives him money or housing or incentives that equal (or often exceed) what you received working 40 hours a week, why would anyone work more than the bare minimum? Why work at all, if your hard earned money and property will be confiscated by some bureaucrat who thinks -- as Kamala does -- that 'each according to his need' is the way to govern a nation?

It is a recipe for economic and social disaster, which one can only assume is the end goal of a Harris administration: the complete reimagining (not only of law enforcement and public safety, something else Kamala favors) but of every facet of American life -- from cradle to grave. 

America fought a Cold War for decades to avoid the infiltration of Communism in this country, but the Left has done a fantastic job of infusing such ideology into universities, entertainment, and the Democratic Party.

It is our job to keep it at bay, and we can do that by not electing Kamala Harris president in November.


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