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Biden's Refusal to Step Aside Shows the Left Doesn't Really Believe Trump Is a Threat to Democracy

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

It's a very tiresome refrain, and one that makes a resurgence every election cycle: the Republican candidate (it doesn't matter who) is literally a reincarnation of Hitler.

The New Republic re-upped that meme again this year, with a cover portraying Donald Trump as the infamous, genocidal dictator. It's not exactly new or groundbreaking.

But it is exhausting.

For as long as I can remember -- going back to Reagan -- the Republican nominee was a fascist. In the years I was able to vote, George W. Bush was going to bring back the draft and I had a classmate who legitimately believed he was going to make it illegal for us to go to college. John McCain was a warmonger. Mitt Romney gave a woman cancer.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

This year is no different. Biden and the Democratic Party keep hammering the same thing: democracy is at stake. Trump will be a dictator. We will lose our freedoms. It'll be like 'The Handmaid's Tale'. 

Blah. Blah. Blah.

They said the same things in 2016. I believed Trump was going to be a bad president. I didn't vote for him.

But he won and guess what? Things were largely okay. We could afford gas and groceries, at least.

This year, however, is different because there are legitimate and ongoing concerns about the incumbent president's mental and physical health. Concerns that have not been significant in many, many election cycles.

Following Biden's disastrous debate showing, polls have not been trending in his favor. Decision Desk forecasts Trump now has. 60% chance to win the election.

The media are divided on whether or not he should step aside or if the Left should coalesce around their candidate. 

Those who say they're all-in on Biden, despite the uncertainty of his campaign have exposed yet another lie from the Left: their supposed fear over a second Trump term.

If they really, truly believed Trump was a threat to democracy -- and this goes up to and includes the President himself -- amid flagging poll numbers and discontent in the media 

But Biden refuses to step down. He's going to have a 'big boy' press conference, he angrily called into Morning Joe, he penned a letter to Congress refusing to withdraw.

It's a very real possibility Biden loses. And -- if he does -- it won't necessarily be driven by his mental status. His policies are wildly unpopular and part of the Democratic Party platform.

I'm not sure any Democrat -- from Kamala to Clinton -- could step in and fix that.

However, if this election was really about saving democracy and the nation, wouldn't Biden want to selflessly give up the candidacy for someone who might have a better chance?

Someone who can string a few sentences together without needed multiple jump cuts?

It's likely not going to work, but at least Biden could say 'See, I put country before party and my own interests.'

But that's not the kind of man Biden is. He's always been a selfish, self-serving, power-hungry politician. 

And the people who support him are supporting that kind of person, knowing full-well who Biden really is.

Either way, it boils down to this: if Biden refuses to step down, and a significant number of Democrats continue to support him, we can ignore everything they say about Trump.

Because they clearly don't believe it to be true; if they did, they would be rethinking the Biden campaign and the Biden presidency. But they're not. They're entrenched behind the incumbent.

So let them whine and scream about how dangerous Trump is, because it's all just political posturing.

They don't really believe or mean it.


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