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Bill Maher: Tis the Season for Giving Dangerously

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

Back in November, we wrote about YouTuber Mr. Beast, who went to Africa and built 100 wells for local residents. At the time, we asked which media outlet would be the first to cancel him for his act of charity (as they have in the past). Yahoo News was the winner, by the way.


We also noted that charitable giving seems to coincide with political views -- the redder the area, the more generous the charity.

Enter Bill Maher, who has been a refreshing voice of reason on the Left in recent years.

Watch what Bill has to say:

We love it when he smacks down the Left.

And he's absolutely right.

It's not just Mr. Beast who is the target of the Left's ire for doing good.

Just incredible stuff.

As we said in the piece about charitable giving: the Left doesn't believe in charity. If it doesn't come from government, it doesn't count. If it makes government look corrupt, inept, and uncaring (which isn't hard to do, let's be honest), the Left treats it as nefarious, dangerous and those who engage in charity a threat, a 'white savior', and someone who is actually harming the people they are helping.


They would, quite literally, rather people suffer waiting for government benevolence than someone like Mr. Beast step up and help.

It's sick and twisted.

You'll never persuade the hard Left on this. And that's not Maher's target audience. It's the wide swath of people in the middle, and he's shining a light on how vile the Left is these days.

Yin and yang, really.

A homerun, for sure.

Like we said above. This nails it.


And he's funny while doing it.

The tweet continues:

I have no idea who "Mr. Beast" is. Never even seen a single one of his videos. But if you are part of the crowd condemning him for trying to help people, you need to go away forever. I can recommend some countries you can move to if you want.


No, they don't care about people.

They care about their power and their control. That's it.


The tweet continues:

When the world looks back after this woke mind virus is fully expelled, we won’t believe how we let a small, fringe group of people try to cancel the rest of us anytime we told an uncomfortable truth, accomplished something that they couldn’t or, more generally, just refused to bend the knee.
We hope you are correct.

It's not ingrained in all Americans. Many -- usually conservative, red-area, churchgoers -- believe in charity. 

The Left has to shame those who do good because those who give selflessly are a threat to the Left.

The screeching of the Left tells you all you need to know about them: miserable, selfish, greedy people.

A perfect metaphor for our current situation.

Keep doing good. Whether you have the clout and fame of Mr. Beast, or are an anonymous giver. Don't give in to the insanity of the Left and never let them shame you for helping others.



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