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Gen-Z Biden Shill Claiming He Left Trump Supporter Speechless Listing Biden's Accomplishments BACKFIRES


Poor Luke Beasley.

Luke seems to think he left this Trump supporter speechless because Biden's accomplishments are just SO impressive but if you watch, the guy is actually confused by how ridiculous this Gen-Z Biden shill is.


Is Luke one of the Paid Biden Youth Brigrade? Man, we hope so because otherwise, this is just sad.


Did you though, Luke?

Notice how he dodges when the supposedly speechless Trump supporter asks him about Afghanistan. Obviously Luke is spewing talking points, he doesn't actually know anything about well, much of anything.

To be fair, we are sort of shocked by his stupidity.


Just painful.

We do too, yo.



YIKES: Leaked Video Shows Biden's 'Spontaneous' WaWa Visit Was Scripted DOWN to Cashier's Tip (Watch)

*SNORT* Nancy Pelosi's Book Release Announced and Twitter Has SO Much Fun (at Her Expense) With the Cover

AOC RAGES at Barnard and Columbia for Suspending Pro-Hamas Protesters and X Just Points and LAUGHS

*EYE ROLL* Sheldon Whitehouse DRAGGED for Thread Defending Dems Rejecting Mayorkas Impeachment Charges

BAHAHA! Gen-Z Activist Asks Adults How They Felt When Trump Won in 2016 and The Responses are Comedy GOLD


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