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Nina Turner Doesn't Want People 'With Felonies' Vilified Unless It's This Person (Guess Who)


We're going to be honest, we've read this post by Nina Turner several times and we STILL don't understand what she's trying to accomplish here:


First of all what the heck does "those with felonies" mean? Are people with felonies not felons? Is this like "birthing persons"? We  genuinely can't keep up with the constant language-bending. And why would we be expected to vilify some people with felonies and not others?

Never mind, we know why:

Yep, that's it. Absolute jaw-dropping hypocrisy, with a side of zero self-awareness.

That's a great point, and it IS what Turner is admitting, albeit perhaps unwittingly. She's pretty much just saying the quiet part out loud. 


A very awkward moment, indeed.

We didn't see this one coming either. You'd think by now we'd be used to the knots that progressives tie themselves in when it comes to Trump, but this one sets a whole new standard.

That about sums it up.

They really, really are. And honestly? We appreciate that. The more they let the mask slip, the better.

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