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Here Are a Few Flashbacks to Prove Yet Again That Kamala Harris Is...
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Rep. Rashida Tlaib Seems to Be Having a Rough Week Amid Mounting Bad...
Here's What Lefties Who Claim Trump's 'America's Dictator' and a 'Threat to Democracy'...
CLUCKING CRAZY: Privacy Invading British Government Requires Citizens to Begin Registering...
NORMS! Lefty Loon Fran Lebowitz Has INSANE Proposal About What Biden Should Do...
GOP Rep. Brian Mast Points Out Reason the U.N. Was Finally Good for...
This Will Reportedly Be Prime Video's Election Night Anchor (Hint: 'Spread Fake News,...
Is Christian Nationalism in the Room With Us Right Now? Mother Jones Editor...
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Sad Terrorist Noises: AP Mourns Loss of Colleague With Glowing Headline About Hezbollah...
Democrats Should Know Their Unhinged Lies Harm Their Base, Too
Kamala Ran to the Border and Suddenly Believes it Shouldn't Be Wide Open

OH NOEZ! Lefty 'Patriots' Lose Their Flipping Minds After Melania Trump Spotted With EXPENSIVE HANDBAG


OMG you guys! You'll never believe it ... Melania Trump who is super wealthy has a very expensive handbag. NO REALLY. You know what that means, right? RIGHT?!

Yeah, we don't get it either.


The Trumps are rich, they have expensive stuff. Duh.

But that didn't stop 'Patriot Takes' from having a conniption fit over it.

SAY IT AIN'T SO! AN EXPENSIVE PURSE. REEEEEE! ARGLE BARGLE! And how could people donate to rich people?! REEEE!

Welp, people better stop donating to any and all politicians because BOY HOWDY do we have news for them. 

They're all rich. Even that socialist guy, Bernie.

What a bunch of maroons.

*cough cough*


Poor Jill. 

Ultimately the truth is this ...

Seriously. If a purse is enough to give someone the vapors they might want to avoid covering actual politics.

Just sayin'.



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'Know the REALITY': Chad Felix Greene's Personal, POWERFUL Thread on LGBTQ Culture Is a MUST-Read

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