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No More Diversity Hires: J.D. Vance and Michael Cloud Introduce Legislation to END Federal DEI

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

We don't need to recount to Twitchy readers all of the corrupt mediocrity fostered and promoted by 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' (DEI) practices within American institutions. From the disaster at Ivy League universities to the scandals at medical schools like Duke and UCLA (and many more) to the debacle at Boeing, DEI is a cancer. It has even taken over the gaming industry, with predictably horrible results. 


The problem is that there is not too much the federal government can do about DEI in private industry. But DEI has infected federal agencies as well and there IS something Congress can do about that, as well as in public schools and universities that receive taxpayer funding. 

Today, Senator J.D. Vance and Representative Michael Cloud announced their intention to put an END to DEI in the federal government with the Dismantle DEI Act.

There aren't a lot of details provided in Christopher Rufo's tweet above, but Aaron Sibarium of The Washington Free Beacon provided a long thread yesterday, outlining all of the provisions of the bill. 

The thread is more than 30 tweets long but here are some excerpts from the Free Beacon article with the highlights: 


Congressional Republicans introduced a bill on Wednesday that would eliminate all diversity, equity, and inclusion positions in the federal government and bar federal contractors from requiring DEI statements and training sessions.

The Dismantle DEI Act, introduced by Sen. J.D. Vance (R., Ohio) and Rep. Michael Cloud (R., Texas), would also bar federal grants from going to diversity initiatives, cutting off a key source of support for DEI programs in science and medicine. Other provisions would prevent accreditation agencies from requiring DEI in schools and bar national securities associations, like NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange, from instituting diversity requirements for corporate boards.

The bill would ban these [DEI] trainings and close the government DEI offices that conduct them. It would also prevent personnel laid off by those closures from being transferred or reassigned—a move meant to stop diversity initiatives from continuing under another name.

The prohibitions, which cover outside DEI consultants as well as government officials, would be enforced via a private right of action and could save the government billions of dollars.

Commenting on Twitter, Vance stated the issue about as clearly as it could be stated. 


Cloud also made his thoughts very clear. 

Now, we know what you're saying because we said it too. This is all fine, but the bill will go nowhere with the current Senate and the current White House. So, what difference will it make? 

The answer is that it gives conservatives a reason to get out and vote. And not just for President, but all the way up and down the ballot. And if successful in November, Republicans WILL be able to take action on this legislation. 

God willing. 

EXACTLY. And this can only benefit conservatives in the 2024 election, given the popularity (or lack thereof) of mandatory DEI training programs in most polling. This is a smart political play by Vance and Cloud. 


Funny you should ask, Dr. Peterson. Senator Lee did share his thoughts. 

Based Mike Lee indeed. 

And salt the earth above it. 

Introducing legislation, particularly with a hostile President and Senate Majority Leader, is not a victory. But it is a great place to start. And there is no better time than right now.  

Republicans should start cutting ads around this proposed legislation immediately. 


If anyone knows the disaster that DEI has created in our military, it is General Flynn. But ALL federal agencies need to wipe the DEI cancer out. 

It's really that simple. 

And now that J.D. Vance and Michael Cloud have officially made DEI part of the 2024 election, Republicans have a perfect campaign issue. 

Now, they just have to take advantage of it. 

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