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'Is Your Family Tree a Wreath?": Guess Who Jonathan Chait Says Is Right and Wrong on the Economy


The media class despises you. They sneer at your suffering, and are so out-of-touch with reality they can write things like this with straight faces. And they think you'll believe them.


Take Jonathan Chait, for example. We've written about him plenty of times in the past. He's all in on Biden, and Bidenomics, and it's you, dear reader, who are wrong.

Paul Krugman is right?


We're gonna need a minute. Because that's hilarious.

No, he's serious, though:

One of the most uncomfortable arguments to make in America is that the people are wrong. It’s especially uncomfortable when the subject is something you experience in a more comfortable, privileged way than most people. And so when liberal economic elites insist the economy, which opinion polls consistently find the public considers terrible, is actually very good, it makes liberal economic elites come off badly.

Paul Krugman is one of those dreaded liberal elitists who believes the economy is actually good. So (at a much lower level of confidence and frequency) am I. We have developed a number of explanations for why people believe an economy that The Wall Street Journal recently called “the envy of the world” is so awful.

See? You're not really paying more for things. You're not struggling between rent and utilities and groceries. It's all in your head. 


Paul Krugman. The guy who has argued the economy is great for a while now (if you exclude the cost of food, shelter, energy, and used cars) knows better about your life than you do.


And even that's questionable.

Pretty much their argument.

'Reality harms my preferred presidential candidate, so ignore it.'

This is perfect.

We laughed out loud.

It'll work out so well for you.

He's literally the meme.


He's naked, but yep.

Brutal but accurate.

Chait's convinced us.

Yep. We don't know what world Chait and Krugman live in, but it's not ours.


Yep. Not surprising at all.

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