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Jonathan Turley BURIES Bennie Thompson for Trying to Deny Trump Secret Service Protection

Meme screenshot

The Democrats are in full-blown celebration mode after the circus trial conviction of Donald Trump for ... well, we're still not entirely sure what the crime was that he was convicted for. We think it's 'running for re-election' or perhaps 'beating Hillary Clinton in 2016.'


One of those who could barely contain his glee was Rep. Bennie Thompson, who notoriously chaired another Soviet-style show trial for Trump: the January Sixth Committee. Thompson tweeted not once, but THREE times on the day of the verdict, shouting his glee.

Wow. Just ... wow. Obsess much, Bennie? 

But being able to say the words 'convicted felon' wasn't enough for Thompson. A little more than a month ago, he also introduced legislation in anticipation of a guilty verdict (hmm, how could he have guessed the outcome?) that would strip Secret Service protection from Trump should he be convicted.


'DISGRACED.' See how clever Thompson is with his acronym. The 'Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act.'

Get it? Because Trump is a 'disgrace.' Or something. 

The bill is not expected to go anywhere in the House. Speaker Mike Johnson has already all but said, 'Yeah, no. Not a snowball's chance in hell.'

Regardless, however, it tells us everything about Democrats that they not only want to humiliate Trump, but they would actually put him in danger if they could.

Today, attorney Jonathan Turley took aim at Thompson and his juvenile acronym bill with some hilarious acronyms of his own. 

A race to the bottom is about the only race that the rather, err, voluminous Thompson could ever win. 


SHAMEFUL. That's got a nice ring to it. And it has the added benefit of accurately describing Thompson's behavior. 

Turley had an even better one though. 

CUCKOO. Yes. Yes, that one is even more fitting. The words it spells out are spot-on for what the left wants to do to Trump. 

Oh, we're sure NOTHING bad would happen to Trump if he was sent to a New York prison like Riker's Island without any Secret Service protection, right? Right, Bennie Thompson?

Yesterday, Trump's son, Donald Trump, Jr., spoke to Tucker Carlson about the inherent threat of removing his father's Secret Service detail (and about the double standards that exist today and the hypocrisy of the left): 


As we all know, the rules are (D)ifferent for (D)emocrats.

Even though the legislation will never pass the House, or likely ever even be brought up for a vote, it's always nice when people like Thompson let us know who they really are. 

And we thought of our own name for Thompson's persecution of political opponents bill: 

'Democrat Unhinged Monsters Betray America -- So Sad'

That's right: 'DUMBASS.'

You earned it, Bennie Thompson.

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