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Sounds Extortion-y: Chicago's Socialist Mayor Demands Reparations to 'Reduce Violent Crime'

AP Photo/Paul Beaty

When Chicago ousted Lori Lightfoot, we all thought perhaps things would get a little better in the Windy City.

We were wrong. They elected an actual socialist as mayor and, well, it's going about as badly as you'd expect.


Mayor Brandon Johnson proposed a plan literally called 'First We Get The Money' as part of his economic blueprint for the city, and he's still going after that money. This time, reparations are the solution to violent crime in his city.


Johnson says he 'added a half a million dollars for restoration and reparations to address the cycle of violence, which looks like school closings, closing of mental health facilities, of which I’ve invested in.'

Violence looks like school closings?

Someone should tell Randi Weingarten. But we digress.

She was a better mayor, and that's saying something, because she set the bar very low.

This is probably it. As of November -- a mere six months into his term -- Johnson's approval rating is at 28 percent.


LOL. Not a chance.

This is also part of the issue. Chicago residents are fed up with migrants. The mayor is, too, it seems. But you run a sanctuary city, Skippy.

Illinois has a cashless bail law that went into effect in September, 2023. Criminals are arrested and released without bail, to go on and commit crimes again and again.

No one is holding them accountable.

But somehow millions in reparations will fix the problems?

That's what it sounds like, doesn't it?


It keeps popping up and it's not only unconstitutional, it's unfair.

No one alive today owned a slave. Why do we have to pay for something our ancestors may or may not have done? 

Really, it's that bad.

Not really, no. San Francisco has some form of universal basic income, and it hasn't done much for violent crime.

That'll never happen.

That's a heck of an argument, but essentially what Johnson is saying.


Were they incarcerated because of 'failed policies' or because they committed a crime? Were they released because of 'failed policies?' What, exactly, are the 'failed policies' that we need to pay reparations for?

So much wrong with this.

It's the soft bigotry of low expectations.

This would also be why places like NBC run stories on garbage studies on 'confederate diaspora' as a way to explain how 'systemic racism' got to places like Chicago. Illinois, for the record, was not a slave state so why should people in Chicago pay reparations?

This would be the result, so you're not missing anything. It's a political stunt by a politician who is tanking in the polls less than a year into his first term. Nothing more.


Chicago voted for him. You get the governance you deserve, and no less.


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