We seem to have a great deal of trouble taking Taylor Lorenz seriously when she complains, which isn’t really fair to her given that she’s a “super immunocompromised” crippled weakling who could literally die through the TV if someone appears on it without a mask. We’re just not taking The Science™ into account when we criticize her and mock her and amplify her hot takes so that as many people as possible can see how hot they are!
No, if we were truly concerned about Taylor’s plight, we would take a more Science™-y approach to COVID and to illness and immunology in general:
Do people who think getting reinfected with deadly viruses improves your immune system also think smoking improves ur lung function and getting regular sunburns improves skin health? Because that’s how u all sound
— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) May 15, 2023
Do people think that getting reinfected with viruses improves your immune system?
Well, any immunologist worth a damn or even a regular person with a fundamental understanding of how immunity works thinks that, so yes, Taylor. And no, we don’t think that smoking is good for your lungs or that sunburns are good for your skin, because we understand that neither of those things build up your immune system, unlike, say, getting sick with a virus.
It’s hard to blame her for limiting her replies for this tweet, because if her replies were open, she’d likely be getting ratio’d like nobody’s business.
If she weren’t such an idiot, we might feel sorry for her. But she is, so we don’t.
Judging from the replies to this tweet people actually believe this 😵💫. The truth is that Covid infection can permanently damage ur immune system (yes even if ur vaxxed), something many people won't realize until it's too late.
— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) May 15, 2023
That’s right, Taylor. You can still get sick from COVID even if you’ve been vaccinated. So maybe shaming people who aren’t vaccinated isn’t the best strategy here. And, at least in theory, if you get reinfected with something, it means you were infected before at some point and recovered, which would mean that your immune system did what it’s supposed to do.
There is nothing good that comes from getting infected with Covid, it only causes harm to the body! Stop listening to pro-infection quacks and protect yourself as best u can by wearing a high quality N95 mask and staying in ventilated areas
— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) May 15, 2023
“There is nothing good that comes from getting infected with COVID.” Well, some people have indeed gotten very sick and died after contracting COVID. The thing is, the ones that eventually get better have this cool thing called natural immunity, which has been demonstrated to be as effective as the COVID vaccine, if not moreso.
Also, where’s Taylor’s high-quality N95 mask in this picture? And exactly how ventilated is the room in which she’s voluntarily smushing up against other unmasked people?
Thanks to @kathygriffin and Randy for a fabulous dinner and great conversation my daughter and i had an incredible time
I should have taken off my glasses for the picture pic.twitter.com/OXdfN7O537— Diedrich Bader (@bader_diedrich) March 23, 2023
That’s never gonna get old, ever.
Yep ignorance is a terminal condition 🙄 https://t.co/o8KeyN8tTQ
— Laurie Paris 🟧 (@lparis2mozart) May 15, 2023
If that’s the case, we should add it to Taylor’s long list of conditions. Although now that we think about it, it’s probably already on there. It definitely deserves to be.
An improved immune system due to repeated infections from viruses is literally how evolution works and is why the human race still exists. https://t.co/jSqaFWaEid https://t.co/n9IBDKnhVr
— Sky Palma (@DeadStateTweets) May 15, 2023
People don't "evolve" over the course of their lifespan bro!
— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) May 15, 2023
Well, no, Taylor. But their immune systems do. People who are not immunocompromised can in fact get sick and make full recoveries. We’re not suggesting that it’s OK to go around giving people HIV because their immune system will take care of it or that it’s OK to knowingly infect anyone with anything. Because it is very much not OK and you really shouldn’t make a habit of doing stuff like that. But the fact remains that, generally speaking, the only way your immune system can get stronger is to be exposed to disease vectors. That’s the idea behind vaccinations. And sometimes, as with COVID, it works better in certain people than others, but short of living in a germ-free bubble (or being the antichrist, if “The Omen” is anything to go by), there is no way to live a completely germ-free life.
And truth be told, based on the fact that Taylor Lorenz does not herself wear a high-quality N95 mask every single minute of every single hour of every single day, it’s hard to believe that at some fundamental, brain-stem level, even Taylor knows she’s full of it.
average blue check understanding of covid
— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) May 15, 2023
But enough about you, Taylor.
Another inept statement from this inept "journalist" concerning natural immunity to diseases… https://t.co/7khOggPca7
— BeardedVermin (@BeardedVermin) May 15, 2023
Taylor wondering aloud how immune systems have evolved over thousands of years, reminding everyone she doesn't understand science at all https://t.co/rmY2um4QdM
— 5th Chamber (@KillaHills10307) May 15, 2023
Taylor Lorenz tears into one of her Washington Post colleagues over COVID precautions
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