After “The Twitter Files” dropped and we were actually able to see the evidence of collusion between Twitter execs and the Biden administration to suppress reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop, a whole bunch of journalists have been on a real crusade to delegitimize Matt Taibbi’s reporting and make Taibbi and Elon Musk look like the bad guys here, like they’re the ones who did something wrong.
One of those journalists is apparently James Surowiecki, author of “The Wisdom of Crowds” and kneejerk defender of Hunter Biden’s honor. Here’s what Surowiecki had to offer to the conversation surrounding the material that provided the New York Post with something to write about:
Certainly a newspaper could quote short snippets of the emails, and summarize their contents, under fair use. But how was the publication of Hunter's private photos, to which he owned legal right, and the reproduction of his emails not a plain copyright violation?
— James Surowiecki (@JamesSurowiecki) December 7, 2022
An even better question: How is James Surowiecki taken seriously as a journalist? By anyone?
help me i’m new here, is this journalism?
— Mike Solana (@micsolana) December 7, 2022
No. But rumor has it that James did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Some publication of “private” material is more equal than others. And James gets to be the arbiter of that.
Wouldn't that be a matter of the contract he signed when he gave the shop his laptop?
— Donald Moore (@DonEMooreJr) December 7, 2022
The contract said that if the laptop wasn't picked up in 90 days, it would be treated as abandoned, which under Delaware law gave the shop the title to the physical computer. But it didn't give the shop title to the data, and obviously didn't transfer copyright rights.
— James Surowiecki (@JamesSurowiecki) December 7, 2022
OK, buddy.
Copyright law allows for fair use, which includes news reporting. People are not using his words and claiming them as their own. They are not taking profit by publishing his work, except as needed in reporting about it.
— Area Man (@lheal) December 7, 2022
— Pudge (@pudgenet) December 7, 2022
And just like that he stopped responding …..
— Improp Op (@ImproperOpinion) December 7, 2022
Right on schedule!
All those criminal defendants who failed to claim copyright protection for the emails must feel like fools right now. Or, and I'm just spitballing, your legal take here is on the level of "everything looks better in Crayola".
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) December 7, 2022
Yeah. The Crayola thing. Definitely the Crayola thing.
Journalists Against Journalism has a huge membership.
— Will Collier (@willcollier) December 7, 2022
Real Journalist™.
On the advice of my legal counsel Allyssa Milano I am just going to run around screaming "copyright" at these documents to verify their provenance.
That'll show them.
— Kyle Beckley (@Kyle_Beckley) December 7, 2022
Libs sure are melting down over this supposed nothing burger story
— Jim Muessig (@JimMuessig) December 7, 2022
So weird, right?
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