If Elizabeth Warren had a Native American name, it might be Digs Her Own Grave. Because after everything she’s put herself through today, she’s somehow convinced herself that the solution is to ride this crazy train right off the cliff:
We all know why @realDonaldTrump makes creepy physical threats about me, right? He’s scared. He’s trying to do what he always does to women who scare him: call us names, attack us personally, shrink us down to feel better about himself. It may soothe his ego – but it won’t work. pic.twitter.com/2rfPSlvlQA
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
“Creepy physical threats.” We can’t even.
Bottom line: My heritage played no role in my hiring – ever. The @BostonGlobe reviewed all the evidence. Their verdict? "At every step of her remarkable rise in the legal profession, the people responsible for hiring her saw her as a white woman." https://t.co/LTQ6d1sMwM
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Hey, Elizabeth, would the Boston Globe you’re citing be the same Boston Globe that couldn’t even get their math right with regard to your DNA results? Also, that article hardly backs up her claim that her alleged “heritage played no role in [her] hiring.” As Twitchy told you last month, the headline for that Globe article Warren links to had been changed to erase any mention of her claiming Native American ancestry. And if her “heritage” didn’t help to advance her career, then why did she allow Harvard Law School to believe that she was a “woman of color”? Inquiring minds wanna know. But first, let her persist in her self-immolation:
I won't sit quietly for @realDonaldTrump's racism, so I took a test. But DNA & family history has nothing to do with tribal affiliation or citizenship, which is determined only – only – by Tribal Nations. I respect the distinction, & don't list myself as Native in the Senate.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Speaking of family stories, @realDonaldTrump has one, too. It's the story of a second-generation tax cheat who was handed a $413 million inheritance through rich-guy loopholes and outright criminal fraud. https://t.co/ZHJIm4GQG3
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!
If @realDonaldTrump – a cowardly elitist who has never known or cared what life is like for anyone who's ever lived outside of a skyscraper in Manhattan – wants to talk about authenticity, well then, let's talk about who's REALLY pretending to be someone they're not.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
For starters, @realDonaldTrump wants us to think he’s a billionaire – but he won’t show us his tax returns. Why? Maybe he isn’t as rich as he pretends, & he doesn’t want us to know that his "empire" is really built on debts he owes to some sketchy characters.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
And @realDonaldTrump brags about being a successful businessman – but he’s only good at going bust (he even lost money with a casino!) and cheating people: scamming Trump U students, shortchanging workers and contractors, & abusing bankruptcy laws to save his own skin.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
We knew all that before @realDonaldTrump became President. But since he took office, we’ve learned that the scam runs even deeper.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Not as deep as your grave, though, Elizabeth dear.
"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into maize https://t.co/cFi6LgzuJf
— Cuffy (@CuffyMeh) October 15, 2018
Oh Elizabeth, haven’t you humiliated yourself enough for a day? Take a day off. 1/1024. https://t.co/0VldUOYkOY
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) October 15, 2018
She’s coming unglued before our very eyes. And we’re not sure there’s enough popcorn in the world for this show.
Nevertheless she persisted.
— Reagan Troll (@ReaganTroll) October 15, 2018
— MAGA✝️BREXITER (@evil_mokosh) October 15, 2018
The self inflicted wounds are always the worst.
— Allan Guty (@AllanJGuty) October 15, 2018
Editor’s note: This post has been updated with an additional tweet.
She’s still going, you guys:
He pretends he’s a populist – but @realDonaldTrump’s economic policies are all about making the rich richer and the powerful more powerful. He’s stuffed his administration with so many former Goldman Sachs bankers they could open a branch office.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
He promised to #draintheswamp – but @realDonaldTrump is the most corrupt President in American history. The long line of scandals & convictions (Pruitt, Price, Manafort, Cohen, etc.) prove it. Art of the Deal? More like Art of the Plea Deal.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
He pretends to love law enforcement – but attacks his own Justice Dept, attacks the American hero who led the FBI after 9/11 for doing his job, & stuffs his Admin with crooks who bend over backwards to make sure no CEO ever goes to jail for cheating people.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
He demands military parades in his honor but cheats our veterans out of charitable donations, attacks their families, ducked out of Vietnam, & can't even be bothered to visit the troops that he refuses to bring home from Afghanistan or Iraq.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
He drapes himself in the flag – but for all his talk about "Making America Great Again," all @realDonaldTrump does is attack our core values (the free press, the democratic process, our legacy of diversity) while he shovels taxpayer cash into his own pockets.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
And @realDonaldTrump loves playing the strong, decisive leader – but look at the chaos on his own staff, the way his administration fumbled the Puerto Rico recovery, or how he constantly undermines his own agenda with his own incompetence.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Oh, and one more thing. @realDonaldTrump likes to pretend he’s a real tough guy. But like most bullies, he sure scares easy, doesn’t he?
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
We don’t know … he doesn’t sound nearly as scared as you right now, Elizabeth.
He’s afraid to stand up to Vladimir Putin in defense of our country, afraid to talk to Robert Mueller because he knows he'll crack under the pressure, and so afraid to go out in public, he hides out at his own golf clubs.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
And you know what scares him the most? Us. The American people. He’s afraid we’ll see him for who he really is and expose the con he’s been running on our country from Day One.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
And @realDonaldTrump should be scared – because on November 6, we’re going to bust up that con once and for all.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Not if the Democrats keep going like this, they won’t. The only thing that’ll be busted is their dream of a Blue Wave.
Here's the deal: @realDonaldTrump’s Washington is more corrupt & more out of touch than ever. And it turns out @realDonaldTrump never had any plan to make things better, & he has no plan now. All he can offer are attacks & distractions.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
But nicknames don’t help families pay for child care. Conspiracy theories won’t solve climate change. Racial slurs can’t raise wages or make our communities safer.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Like I promised @NCAI1944 in February, whenever someone brings up my family story, I’ll use it to lift up the story of Native families and communities. I'll use it today to lift up the NIWRC and their amazing work to protect Native women from violence. https://t.co/DyHTeIU4uo
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
I’m ready to support working people and help middle class families build real security. I’m ready to root out corruption and clean up Washington. I’m ready to stop the politics of hatred and division so we can bring back core American values like diversity and respect.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
I’m ready to reverse the trillion-dollar tax scam and use that money to help cut student loan debt and rebuild infrastructure, ready to stand WITH our allies AGAINST our enemies, and get to work on clean energy, immigration reform, and gun safety.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
But to do that, we’ve got to work as hard as we can between now and November 6 to tune out the lies, ignore the chaos, shrug off the fake bluster, and focus on organizing for REAL change.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
At the end of the day, I trust the people of Massachusetts to look at the facts about who I am and how I've lived my life and make their own judgment about me. But remember: @realDonaldTrump doesn't have the same kind of faith in you.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
And on November 6, if you’re tired of getting scammed by your President, stand with me, and with the reformers on the ballot in your community, and let’s elect new leadership so we can start getting things back on track in Washington.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Yeah, @realDonaldTrump will keep insulting me. Let him. We’ll be busy registering voters, knocking on doors, making sure our neighbors know the facts, & telling them about what we're ready to do to build pride, hope, & opportunity all across our country. https://t.co/sb2oPItfwS
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
Tick-tock, @realDonaldTrump. November 6th is coming.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 15, 2018
We were right earlier in our post: No way is there enough popcorn for this.
‘TOTAL DISASTER’! Actual Native Americans just made Elizabeth Warren’s bad day ‘a WHOLE lot worse’
Benny Johnson lays out ‘every time Elizabeth Warren has lied’ about her heritage in EPIC thread
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