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Tom Cotton senior adviser sounds alarm over New York Mag giving oxygen to ''dangerous' and 'debunked' conspiracy theory' about COVID19

Brace yourselves, people. Because according to New York Magazine, the COVID19 pandemic may have stemmed from a lab accident:


Whoa. Whoa.

This is the first we’re hearing about this possible scenario.

Except, of course, for when we heard about this possible scenario before.

So, if we’re understanding this correctly, the idea of the COVID19 pandemic being the tragic product of a lab leak was some tinfoil-hat nuttery back when GOP Sen. Tom Cotton mentioned it as a possibility, but now that a reputable outlet like New York Magazine is seriously discussing it, it’s worth having a conversation?


OK then.


Cotton was repeatedly branded a conspiracy theorist for even acknowledging the lab leak hypothesis.

John Noonan, Tom Cotton’s senior counselor for military & defense affairs, hasn’t forgotten how Cotton was treated by the media:


And don’t forget about Vox:

And speaking of Vox, here’s Vox alumnus Matt Yglesias to try to cast more doubt on Cotton’s credibility:


Thank you for your input, Matt. You’ve contributed exactly as much to the discourse as you say Cotton and New York Magazine have.





Area Expert™ Tom Nichols just can’t bring himself to admit that maybe Tom Cotton’s COVID19 questions were valid after all, craps on Cotton instead

Didn’t think it possible but Drew Holden makes media look even WORSE on Tom Cotton and COVID-19 in receipt-filled thread

Tom Cotton busts the NYT’s Max Fisher for not having ‘done his homework’ and instead pushing BS about Cotton’s COVID19 remarks

‘The definition of gaslighting’: Area Expert™ Tom Nichols sees absolutely nothing wrong with ‘outright lying’ about Tom Cotton’s COVID19 remarks; UPDATED

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