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Orange is the New Black Actress/LOON Posts VIOLENT Meltdown Calling on Biden to 'Take Trump Out' (Watch)


This is Lea Delaria and she is apparently known for starring in 'Orange is the New Black' and being the first openly gay comic to appear on American television with her 1993 appearance on Arsenio. Clearly she has lost her sense of humor and perhaps even her mind because now she's taken to TikTok to post openly about how much she hates SCOTUS especially Clarence Thomas who she racially attacks. Oh, and she also tells Biden to 'take Trump out' because he's like HItler


Or something.

Chick is cray. 

Watch (note, she is not only a lunatic but she is obscene so if you don't want people hearing eff-this and eff-that we would encourage headphones, earbuds or listen in private):

Yeah. Yikes. All the yikes.

Someone needs to alert someone else with some authority about her being a threat because this is not normal.

This is dangerous.

But you know, us evil people on the Right are the violent and dangerous ones. Totally.

Indeed he has.

Apparently this is her:

She seems so nice and stuff.

Some are saying she has deleted this ... 


BUT that doesn't mean we let her off the hook.

The Internet (even TikTok) is forever.



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