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Greg Price Recaps CLOWN SHOW aka Merchan/Bragg Trump Trial Proving It REEKS of Lawfare in 1 Brutal Tweet

AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File

It's easy to get lost in the mess of charges and trials currently being lobbed at Trump, so we found this post from Greg Price INCREDIBLY helpful to understand what is happening right now. Oh, and it totally pissed us off as well so there's that.


If you need a quick recap, here ya' go:

The post continues:

- The lead prosecutor resigned his position as the 3rd highest ranking member of Biden's DOJ to join Alvin Bragg's team going after Trump.

- The judge donated to Joe Biden and has a daughter who raised millions of dollars for Democrats off the Trump prosecutions

- The other lead prosecutor also donated to Joe Biden

- The lead witness that the whole case relies on is a convicted perjurer and serial liar who admitted during the trial to stealing money from the Trump organization

- The judge put a gag order on Donald Trump for pointing out the political conflicts of interest of the people prosecuting him

- The "crime" relies on the idea that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels to conceal another crime, which is not mentioned in the indictment.

- The judge barred Trump's defense from explaining to jury that no campaign finance violation occurred but allowed prosecutors to assert as fact in their closing that there was.

- The judge cleared out the court room when Michael Cohen's former attorney was exonerating Trump but allowed the prosecution to bring in Stormy Daniels to talk about whether or not Trump used a condom.

- The judge barred a former FEC commissioner from testifying that Donald Trump did nothing wrong.

- The judge is allowing the jury to not have to reach a unanimous verdict on the underlying, unnamed crime Trump committed.


But you know, this has totally been about justice and not at all political in any way. 


Democrats absolutely have a long track record of blaming the Right for the things they are actually doing.

Crazy how that happens.

Indeed there may be.

*cough cough*



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