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WATCH Brandon Johnson Squirm as CBS Reporter Asks Him Point-BLANK if He Plans on Raising Taxes (Video)

AP Photo/Paul Beaty

Want to see a Democrat squirm? Dodge? Duck? Dive? Dodge again? Ask them point-blank if they will raise taxes.

No really.

None of them wants to admit they live to raise taxes and are happy to do so UNLESS they can pretend it's only the evil, faceless, wretched RICH who they want to raise taxes on. They can never just be honest about the main 'force' behind their platform.


Bigger government and more taxes.

Watch this:

You KNOW it's bad when even a CBS journo is hammering him.


They've been doing this for as long as we can remember. Hey, if you can't win over your actual citizenry bring in people from other countries who don't know how oppressive and dangerous your platform really is, and promise them a bunch of free stuff you KNOW will trap them in dependence ... winning.


Democrats have never really given up on the idea of owning people.

Sorry, not sorry.

As is the Democrat way so they can remain in and retain power.



John Hayward Takes Hamas Sympathizers 'Mostly Peacefully Protesting' (LOL!) Apart in MERCILESS Thread

Students Sue Harvard and File What Can Only be Called a 'DEVASTATING' Complaint Due to Antisemitism

POWERFUL Thread of Women DESTROYING 'Pro-Choicers' Who Told Them to Abort Will Make You Fist-Pump (Watch)

Adam Schiff For Brains Releases His Plan to Destroy America and Conservatives Are Having NONE of It

SMUG OH Dem Scolding Republicans for PROTECTING Children From Trans 'Medical Care' BACKFIRES (Watch)



Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ALSO, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.

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