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Dude. NO: Mark Cuban DEI-Splaining to Elon Musk in Ridiculously WRONG Thread Backfires SPECTACULARLY

AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, File

Let us help Mark Cuban out ... he has zero clue about what DEI is and has zero business lecturing or 'informing' anyone else about it. Especially not Elon Musk who has had to deal with the fallout around DEI several times over.


But hey, if he insists on embarrassing TF out of himself we'll humor him and embarrass him. 

We're givers that way.

From the rest of his lengthy post: 

You may not agree, but I take it as a given that there are people of various races, ethnicities, orientations, etc that are regularly excluded from hiring consideration. 

By extending our hiring search to include them, we can find more qualified people. The loss of DEI-Phobic companies is my gain. 1a. We live in a country with very diverse demographics. In this era where trust in businesses can be hard to come by, people tend to connect more easily to people who are like them. Having a workforce that is diverse and representative of your stakeholders is good for business.

Yes, we did some grammar clean-up on his post. What a train wreck, seriously.

But wait, there's more!

From another post of his that's rather long and a grammatical train wreck:


Recognize their differences and play to their strengths wherever possible. It is not a hard concept. But it is not easy to implement. Most workforces don't have the depth of management to do this well. When it's not done well it can create tension and resentment.

And yet, there's more!

More from Cuban (and yes, we fixed this too):

Great companies create environments that reduce unnecessary stress on their employees  (I'm not talking about hitting quota or getting the product out the door stress), which in turn increases productivity. This is what  Inclusion is all about. Making all employees, no matter who they are or how they see themselves, feel comfortable in their environment and able to do their jobs.

You'd think a guy with this much money could at least hire someone to check his posts before he sends them, yes? Woof.

And more:

As a result, they waste a shitload of money on less-than-quality care for their employees, and more often than not it's their sickest and lowest-paid employees that subsidize the rebates and deductibles  (Sicker employees have to pay up to their deductible, healthy don't)

So what does this have to do with DEI ? Like health care, DEI is not seen as a core competency in most companies. It's just a huge expense.

Intellectually they see the benefit of DEI. But they don't have time to focus on it  So it turns into a check box that they hope they don't have to deal with beyond having HR do a report to the board and legal tells them they are covered.

When anything that impacts all of your employees is pretty much a checklist item to the CEO, there is a good chance that it's not going to work well and you are going to have employees who are not comfortable for a lot of different reasons. Which in turn creates resentment towards DEI policies and training. Which in turn makes it harder on the managers trying to implement it When companies do DEI well, you see a well-run, successful company.


So many errors.

And it's really dumb as well, but you knew that already.

We got nothin' ...

Everyone is entitled to their POV, but these same feelings,  even if they are not said out loud, are heard loud and clear at work.

Even in that one sentence, we had to make TWO corrections.

Yikes, right?

Also, he has no idea what DEI is.

What's even scarier is he thinks he does and can lecture others about it. Yup.



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Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ALSO, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.


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