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All the REEE! Here are the BIGGEST (worst, most hilarious) meltdowns over Trump returning to Twitter/X


As everyone on the planet likely knows by now, Trump tweeted his first tweet (or posted his first post, X, whatever) in YEARS last night with his official mugshot and a callout to his site and campaign. 


And as everyone would expect, Twitter exploded.

X? Whatever.

We wouldn't be Twitchy if we didn't highlight some of the best (worst?) and most hilarious meltdowns by our pals on the Left after Trump's return. So here are just a few of the many freak-outs we saw overnight and are witnessing yet this morning.

JoJo is having a normal one:

There are a whole bunch of pics of his mugshot on her timeline. Stalk much?

And speaking of stalk much, Bette Midler is obsessed with his backside:

As is Rob Reiner ...

Who has actually gone silent since Trump tweeted.


This one was hard to snag since John Cusack blocks literally EVERYONE who isn't as batsh*t insane as he is.

His timeline is FILLED with people losing their minds, like Mehdi Hasan.


Thinking this is a moment for the ol', 'cope and seethe'. Yeah, that works.

When someone isn't even bright enough to see the irony of their own tweet.

Yikes, Jamaal.

She's broken, yes.

And so sad.

Rick Wilson with the predictable of all predictable tweets:

And he tried to be funny but ...


The Lincoln Project is just weird about it. Creepy even?

But what else would we expect from them? 

What else would we expect from any of these people who Trump broke?



Woman DeSantis spoke about at GOP Debate who survived abortion DROPS pro-aborts far and wide (watch)

Glenn Kessler fact-checking GOP Debate abortion claims goes really really really really WRONG and LOL

Adam Schiff reminds everyone he's the biggest 'Schitt-Head' of ALL vowing to STOP anyone helping Trump



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