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'Too f**kin' bad': Dana White isn't having ANY OF IT when journo tries pushing MUH RACISM (watch)

We love this from Dana White.

Dana is one of those uncancellable peeps who says what he wants, when he wants, to who he wants, and WHY he wants. Hopefully, with more people like him speaking out against the ridiculous push about RACISM from our media (and Hollywood, Big Tech, etc.) more and more of us will feel braver about calling them out ourselves.


Without a fear of being canceled.

Without fear of being fired.

Note, White curses A LOT in this clip when he's asked about racism in a fight so we would definitely call it NSFW ... but it's freakin' awesome.




Spot freaking on. Our favorite part is when Dana asks, 'Are people b*tching about it ... of course they are,' because he knows exactly where that journo is trying to go. And he ain't havin' any of it.

Hey, we do too. Then again, we tend to like anyone who doesn't take any crap from Lefties, hags, and scolds.

We should form a club.


Good question.

All the huzzah.



Live Action HILARIOUSLY owns pro-aborts losing their MINDS in these 'dark times' after Roe (watch)

Black doc RANTS about EVIL RACIST white people flying thin blue line flag in her wealthy neighborhood

Like CLOCKWORK! Left front and center CHEERING Biden abusing staff/aides, claiming they DESERVE it


Editor’s Note: Do you enjoy Twitchy’s conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? Support our work so that we can continue to bring you the truth. Join Twitchy VIP !

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