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President Trump Called in 'Beautiful Accent' Reinforcements and the Memes Are Outstanding

Ummm ... WOW: Luke Rosiak's thread of newly released FAA 2021 data suggests Biden admin was doing a WHOLE lotta 'kidnapping' and 'trafficking'

Gosh, sounds like Biden has some ‘splainin’ to do.

We have it on good authority that flying illegal migrants from one location to another, ESPECIALLY IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT, is kidnapping or human trafficking or some other horrible hot key word our pals on the Left have yet to come up with. This thread from Luke Rosiak about flight data in 2021 is infuriatingly eye-opening.

Take a gander.

Secret Night Flights sounds like a John Grisham novel.

That’s just one morning, folks.


But you know, Kamala Harris insisted the southern border is secure.

Nearly half a million so far this year.

That’s insane.

That’s almost the population of Wyoming, folks.

… almost entirely illegals and wealthy elites going to vacation homes.

Boy oh boy, that sure feels like, ‘Rules for me but not for thee.’

Of course, he does. It’s all about vilifying Republicans at this point because even abortion isn’t enough to help them in November.


That’s asking a lot, ya’ know.



‘So TRUMPIAN’: In case you were wondering how the Lockdown/ Mask-up crowd is taking Biden saying the pandemic is ‘over’ … (YIKES)

‘Must frame it as an ATTACK on America’: TikTok’r claims Good Info Foundation offered $400 for scripted anti-Trump/J6 video and WOW (watch!)

Banger of the Fang Eric Swalwell claiming Trump/MAGA’s playbook is ‘Always Be Projecting’ goes OH so very wrong


Editor’s Note:
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