'They CROSSED the Line': SAVAGE Post Explains Point-By-VICIOUS-POINT How Democrats Have EA...
Wow. Wow. WOW: Ted Cruz Shares 'Absolutely INSANE' Thread That PROVES DOGE Is...
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Posted and Then Deleted Link to Suspected Murderer’s Defense Fund...
Nothing to Crow About: Munich-Crashing Colorado Democrat Fancies Himself as the ‘Voice of...
Heir Power: The Reason JD Vance Is Unique Among Recent Vice Presidents
Dem Strategist Says Trump Sounds Like a 90s Democrat Who Stole His Party’s...
Rantin’ Raskin: Democrat Breathlessly Claims Musk and DOGE Are Cover for Trump Fraud...
Hogg at the Trough: Dem’s Vice Chair Reportedly Using New Position to Gorge...
Admiral Apologizes to All of Europe for the Embarrassment That Is JD Vance
School Official Goes on Rant About 250 Years of Mediocre White Men
Sharp-Eyed Liberals Catch Pete Hegseth Drinking on the Job
Kamala Harris' POTUS Campaign: A Cringe-Worthy Flashback to Political Faceplant of Epic Pr...
New York Times Correspondent Calls AP As ‘Straight As They Come’
Allie Beth Stuckey Weighs in on How to Respond to the Announcement of...
He Had a Pen and Phone: Enjoy This Flashback of Obama Saying He...

In your FACE! Pro-life WARRIOR Lila Rose makes Dr. Phil look like a complete TOOL in abortion debate on his own TURF (watch)

Dr. Phil was out of his league when he brought pro-life warrior Lila Rose on his show to debate abortion. Especially when it comes to the argument about when life begins.


He had no idea who he was dealing with.

Watch this. You’ll thank us.

She’s just trying to keep Dr. Phil from embarrassing himself further.

Sheesh, you’d think he’d be thankful.


Soooo … Dr. Phil was WRONG.

Color us not shocked.

There it is.


He’s an expert ya’ know.


That. She. Did.

And it’s clear he knew it.

We’re almost embarrassed for him.




Our favorite DWW (Deranged White Woman) Taylor Lorenz BULLIES female MSNBC host who interviewed her about harassment and LOL

GASLIGHTING: Katie Pavlich takes Biden to TASK for lying about saving millions of retirees with his inflation-raising American Rescue Plan

Let the spin, BEGIN! USA Today and other Lefty rags claiming LOWER GAS PRICES take the sting out of increased inflation does NOT go well


Editor’s Note:
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